Saturday, May 7, 2011

Souillée Mario Salieri

Mutual dependencies (4) Natalia Iguiñiz.

Who is the other woman? How I can address it? How she manages to
Gayatri Spivak, 1986

THE OTHER (2001)
Maria Andrea and Charles, Rosario Charo and Veronica and Norberta.

I started when I moved with my boyfriend and the division of labor ended up doing things for him, I thought how it would do the same things for love but not as work. Always in my house there was a maid, and now I live with my partner and my youngest daughter also hired a domestic worker. And although labor regimes increasingly better, to me I still generates contradiction. I think more than one issue is a problem: domestic work in many parts of the world continues servile characteristics, which specifically cross Peru problems of racism and sexism [1] .

Iguiñiz makes us ask ourselves: Who is the other?, "The employee?, Does the employer?, Is the photographer? That depends on who ask the question of social class, place of origin, etc.
The other is a series of photographic portraits of twenty pairs of employer and employee to express the problem
the other viewed from the privacy of home Lima middle class. For the maid, the other is the employer and his family. For the employer, the other is obviously used. The fact that the photo is entitled only the names of those depicted, without distinguishing who owns which tends to reinforce the supposedly neutral position and parallel to each of them. In fact, tends to dismantle and show that neutrality does not exist, supposedly from the professional distance and disaffection, a reality marked by the economic, social and ethnic. They are careful portraits of composition, all sofa in front of the house employer, the place of privacy where it receives, which shows the position of its owner, which contextualizes the relationship between the couple portrayed.

The domestic world of the world as the other groups, or as other pioneering photographers at the beginning of photography. In the text included in Iguiñiz websites, Antonio Ramos puts on the series The other magical with portraits of Julia Margaret Cameron, one of these pioneers, who used as models to several of her maids, Mary Hiller and Mary Ryan, who sat for her as madonnas, fairies and nymphs, and the questioning attitude of Diane Arbus, who explored as no human condition through his portraits of "others" in this society.
The artist herself chose the lines from Octavio Paz to accompany the exhibition of his series in a previous sample:

for it to be I be another
out of me, find me among the others,
others who do not are if I do not exist,
others give me full existence

It states in its work from its own contradictions, not to judge but to delve into the reality through exacerbate these contradictions. Photos of Natalia Iguiñiz produce and the representation of its own contradiction, embodying the contradiction of a female subject crossed by social class, ethnicity, etc. Following Teresa de Lauretis would not only differences and divisions among women, but also and equally important, differences and divisions in the same woman, that is, that arise as effect of differences and divisions in the subjectivity of each woman. To Lauretis, the subject of feminism is both inside and outside the ideology of gender and realizes he is aware of this dual voltage, in this division and its double vision, which seeks its place among the cracks and crevices of the apparatus of power and knowledge, seeking some way what the
representation becomes law excludes or unrepresentable.
Iguiñiz has also worked as a poster with the union of domestic workers in Peru.

[1] Iguiñiz Natalia Statements in Carmen Vallejos, "De homely Página 12, Argentina, August 18, 2006
Peruvian writer Rocío Silva also linked the mistreatment of workers with private institutionalization of racism and refers to how the practice of subservience as a survival mechanism for poor social sectors can not only political client of populist governments, but also preservation of degrading situations. In his words, in a society terribly unfair as Peru, discrimination and segregation are learned from the cradle: racism and exclusion are naturalized. His story "It takes girl" in the Peruvian magazine Ideele , No. 180, March 2007, aware of this situation in which abuse is combined with the exploitation of children and also includes the alternatives proposed by domestic workers organized in unions domestic workers and other associations.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Army Of Helaman Lyrics

Letter to Marine ... Re

For if you think that you think make you laugh at me or my nonsense, I promise I will try to speak politically correct, so I will not revietas, who will offer what many call him touch blows our enemies only if necessary if not do not offer that fails to say a few swear words in the same sentence, to take baths more often and try to fix my hair for meetings or family events to go to class but I get bored or unwilling to enter this more fun playing guitar with a character at the entrance of the building, which call thee not, therefore, that makes you more of the little cards that you like and who attempts to learn has to do nuego for you to eat more often, that seeketh how to make you laugh at me or my foolishness, I will read more about poderte right to understand what the case, I'll keep playing guitar and makes best masterpieces the fifth symphony and I'm talking about the song I wrote for you "magiamor" I will try to open but the mind and accepts your claims are all valid and all make sense, that'll take you too the contrary only if necessary to bother and laugh by the mother insults that may exist along with the laughter and the "I love you" after insult us very graciously, I will learn to listen and analyze people, I integrare some book club for that of the intelligentsia, who speaks more clearly and I will try to see under dyslexia affects me, that will control my emotions I'm going to die unless I look at a day or so, I will try to not be so jealous that I get to read on the internet with lemon grass recipes for salads say someday you can cook those who will care for my voice a little and quit So if I have something I want to openly say the kiss in the rain, going to take us a beer together, eating ice cream in the rain, going to play bells neighbors to run, I will engage in the fight either where we are or belong to a movement that they say I'm with you for who you are you and your family, who takes classes in spelling so you can understand my letter and I can say simply that I can do a myriad of comments that I can change to you, but in the end to see me walking towards you or where these keep in mind that sparse-haired man, walking strange, lenses, staring and sometimes sad, grim smile, Cheleros belly, which often goes with the guitar on his shoulder, remains the same as always, love you and love you more millennium after millennium, century after century, year after year, month after month, day after day, hour after hour, minute by minute second after second millisecond after millisecond, the same dream with soundproofed, the same as playing guitar on the street, the same who writes poems often without meaning, the same who think that gender equality is possible and that sexism is shit and that patriarchy is also the one who thinks that there should be no divisions in this country by the nationals or visas, you do not need a passport to go to your moon, you knew it ago several days and may be able to change but can be adapted ... the archaeologist or gopher like you call me in the end I'm still the same, the fherbury, the jester of nowhere, the fher for my friends, the hairy for speakers SAME behind me who falls CRAZY AND WHAT IT STILL ..