Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mastitis In Milking Dog


Peru has spoken out against bullfighting

Peru has been confirmed as a country where bullfighting is still practiced more anti-bullfighting world, through a recent opinion poll commissioned by the CAS International in partnership with the Peruvian animal protection group UPA (United Animals)

In this survey - the first of its kind undertaken in Peru nationally - which was conducted by independent polling company Datum at the end of November 2008, Peruvians were asked about their views on bullfighting. The results stunned the bullfighting movement, which though I knew that Peru was a highly taurine, did not expect such a high level of opposition.

The results show that 86% of Peruvians over 18 years of age are not interested in bullfights, 68% are against them and 66% want a national law that prohibited. Regarding the question about whether the municipality should be declared bullfighting ( as over 60 who have already done in the world ) 64% said they would like.
This rejection of bullfighting can be seen not only nationally but also by region in each of the Peruvian departments, where it is seen that there are always more people against than in favor of bullfighting.

In fact, in some departments, the rejection of bullfighting is even stronger than the national results, with 96% people in Ica not interested in bullfighting, 81% of people Callao wants a national ban, 77% of people in Junin against bullfighting, 73% of people in Huancavelica wanting their declared anti-bullfighting towns and so forth.

In the capital Lima (including Callao) survey undertaken by the University of Lima since 2003 that the opposition was already increased from 63.2% of people against bullfighting to 83.1% in 2007, not only is now confirmed our survey, but we have also shown that this opposition to bullfighting and involves a vast majority wants a national ban (81% in Callao and Lima 73% capital).

© CAS International - Demonstration November 23, 2008 Lima, Peru Antitaurino

The results also show that bullfighting is less popular in urban than in rural areas. Generally speaking young people are more opposed to bullfighting elderly, wealthy people show more interest in bullfighting that less wealthy people, and be bullfighting is more common in the mountains than anywhere else in the country.

detailed analysis of the results suggests that the percentage of Peruvians who are strong supporters of bullfighting are only about 2%.

© CAS International - Demonstration Lima November 23, 2008, Peru Antitaurino

The demographic characteristics of the results suggest that over time is likely that opposition to bullfighting in Peru will increase even more, and therefore any political decision to ban bullfighting is popular in Peru and find no too much opposition, except in a few departments in the sierra. In fact, there is a project law in the Peruvian Congress to ban and the campaign is spearheaded by the national organization Antitaurino Peru, we hope this survey will generate more support for him.
Survey commissioned by:
CAS International
See survey by clicking here (page N ° 7):
Peru Antitaurino
Vanesa 9934 71019 Cel Torres Bustamante
Roger Torres Pando Cel, 9924 60237

Pokemon Red Ipod Touch


SEND MAIL TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF "THE AUGUSTINE" to ban circuses that use animals

Econ. Victor Salcedo Ríos
Mayor of El Agustino

Present .- Sir,:

I am pleased to greet you cordially to yet to inform you that, knowing that previous meeting was filed in the draft ordinance that would ban circuses that display animals in their jurisdiction, as a taxpayer liable ask you to reconsider the draft with the number of pending 22994-08, for circuses with animals is not only an attempt on the life of them, but also constitutes a latent risk to the safety and integrity of the public who usually attend, and a transgression of the tranquility of the taxpayers who live near where they settle temporarily.

international institutions have investigated the problem of the circus, showing that the animals removed from their natural habitat are in deplorable conditions of confinement, forcing them to perform acts that are not their own to their nature by using steel hooks, electric shock, deprivation of food, water, etc.; humiliation which not only causes suffering and stress but also the most terrible cravings to escape, making it a danger to the community. It is also necessary to point out the environmental impact caused by the removal of wild animals, because the ecological balance is broken, leading some species to the brink of extinction.

Therefore, many countries have abandoned the use of animals in circuses, to make way for entertainment shows and artistic ethics are consistent with a society of XXI century, where life is respected and the environment. In Lima, the districts that have passed ordinances prohibiting these types of circuses are Magdalena del Mar and Villa el Salvador.

Moreover, Article 1 of Law No. 27265 , "Law on Protection of Domestic Animal and Wildlife held in captivity," declared of national interest protection to all species of animals (... ) also Resolution of the Constitutional Court of April 13, 2005, handed down in the record No. 0042-2004-AI/TC , notes that there is no rational argument to justify that the human being subjected to torture, cruel and needless deaths of animals (...); Also: The State has an obligation not to promote activities that encourage violence, the acts unnatural or cruel to animals (...)

With the above, ask your management to supply reconsider and approve the draft ordinance, which has the same legal support, scientific and above all ethical, also own a town that respects the environment and the safety of all taxpayers, leaving aside any political hue in between.






Committee for the Protection of Animals
Peru Antitaurino
Yes but Circus Animals, Peru



While our Bill No. 2382 , that approved, will prohibit the use of animals in circuses nationwide, is located in the Congress in November and in coordination with the council of the municipality of El Agustino, Luis Pérez Rojas, Adrian Carbajal Ccaihuare and Rosa Teodora Napán Valeriano, presented the draft ordinance with number 22994-08 , which seeks to ban animal circuses in that jurisdiction. To this end, Roger Torres Pando, representative of the Committee to Protect Animals and coordinator Antitaurino Peru, presented to the council of that municipality the draft ordinance in question.

Thus, throughout the year working with associations that make up the Committee for the Protection of Animals, we are gaining ground little by little to achieve a society that respects animals.

words and presentation of Alderman Luis Pérez Rojas, after video of illustration

In the photo, the chairman of the Standing Committee on Ecology and Development Environment

Pictured Roger Torres Pando, about to expose

Reason to approve the draft ordinance

Back such as power point

response to questions from the aldermen

Responding to further questions of the aldermen


makers and Roger Torres Pando at the end of exposure

The Augustinian November 2008


Commission Animal Protection


Can New York Sell Nitrous Whipits

NOTE journalistic Jordi Casamitjana, WITH WHOM CONFERENCE IN PERU WE Antitaurino

Leader of the organization world's largest bullfighting in Colombia was lecturing

Photo: David Osorio / TIME Casamitjana
states, based on the developments that have registered their movement in the world, that bullfighting could disappear.

His name is Jordi Casamitjana and English. Maintains that no civilized country can be classified as if it enjoys the suffering of an animal.
The organization is led by Dutch and is called Anti Stierenvechten Committee.

TIME: Why should a citizen of Spain, the cradle of bullfighting, becomes the leader of an organization like this?

Jordi Casamitjana: Because I know a good job. Interestingly most of the world are English anti-bullfighting, because we have had contact with her and we realize its abuses. Those who have not seen it can not refuse.

How long ago is not going to a bullfight?

I keep going, to film, to discuss the tragedy. Ethologists (who study the behavior of animals) need not be at the foot of an animal to know what happens. By far we know if you have. But we must also have proof and I will collect them.

Do you think that bullfighting is an activity with future or that goes away?

Bullfighting had its golden age in the twentieth century, but not now. It is a hobby mostly adults, people over age 50, because young people in this world is not interested much opposed, at least English, and with this we can deduce that at some point disappear. We used to survey where half of the population rejected and the other half supported. Now far exceeds the rejection of approval.

Colombia "stars in this global campaign?

has a strong anti-bullfighting movement, perhaps the strongest in Latin America. I have seen many developments, such as creating anti-bullfighting city. Two years ago there were none and today we have two: Zapatoca (Santander) and Bello (Antioquia). Medellin was about to declare bullfighting, but the mayor refused Council's decision.

bullfighting How many cities are there?

Sixty-one, most of Europe. In Latin America there are two: Baños, Ecuador, and Carrizal, Venezuela.

Does bullfighting movement has been in street protests or has it evolved?

We have gone to defend moral positions to promote political positions. Since bills are walking in Venezuela to abolish bullfighting in whole regions, as in Peru . Canary Islands (Spain) and was banned. In Catalonia there is a process for approving a law to do the same and that is leading from Barcelona. In France are only allowed in the south.

Is there an example of a bull that has been historically opposed to this activity?

Quito. A survey told us that 74 percent of the population is against it. And that Quito was one of the bullfighting cities of America. In the UK, without being a traditional activity, it was so forbidden that there are not even allowed to breed fighting bulls.

Why can we believe or think that the move shed one day you drive and slow performance torture on this animal?

In England we were against a practice that seemed impossible to eradicate: fox hunting. We did it in 2004 after it was centuries.

there no way to reinvent the run, to reduce the abuse?

There is no possibility, because the worst of a bullfight, beyond the agony of the bull, is that suffering is unjustified. It's not like it can support a cow, we know that suffering before he died, but at least we kill for food, to survive, not for sport or for fun. Bulls, including art, are arbitrary.
But do not kill the bull, for example, be an alternative that has been talked about ...
But the abuse continues. It's like if I said to the executioner, this victim did not take off two fingers but one. Torture can not be tolerated in any way.

As for abuse, "bullfighting can be compared to the circus?

animals can be victims of abuse in four ways: stress, which is for seclusion, exhaustion, causing injury or cause them agony. In the run are present all four at once. Circuses are a paradise compared to this.
bull Proponents say the bull is armed and can eventually kill the bullfighter, that's why they say it is a balanced duel ...
not a valid argument: the bull is going mining, it is weakened so that the bullfighter is not jeopardized. If anyone kills a person with a gun in his hand, the fact that she is armed does not take away the aggressor the label of murderer.

Try to convince a bull is encouraged to read this interview, that bullfighting should not exist ...

I do with a question: What if instead of a bull threw his dog into the ring?

January 2009


Source: Time


Press Peru Antitaurino

www.circossinanimalesperu.blogspot. com


Doujinshis De Incesto Online

International News: WORLD COMPANY IS TAURINE DEBACLE Antitaurino

runs Cartagena without

As you may have heard the fans cartagenera The bullfighting season took an abrupt end yesterday to announce their employers who do not go their runs this year.

's edition of El Universal realized yesterday the rumors that circulated before the run of 5, which ensured that the two-hour delay was that two of the most important bullfighting season lineup and did not move from their residence and hotel until the company did not cancel until the last penny, hence the delay in reaching the square.

The organization of the arena itself was good. It was clean to get the public, well groomed and numbered seats, embedded in tiles. It was easy parking and easy also to reach the boxes. The sellers were in uniform and took care to bother viewers as well as on other occasions. But there was consensus that the president's box was arranged that handled better.

is noted that the technical board, or one-disregarded the rules of bullfighting in the square, so that there was a bull hat, which is mandatory, and when it was needed because the sixth Miguel Bolivar went lame, was not available and he wanted the presidency to deal with the bull disabled.

There was anger, as expected, without any solution to the height of the public or a square notch. Fans from outside will be the worst impression of the season and will cost Cartagena recover from this injury in the field of bullfighting. The audience stood and left, an energetic but futile protest for a presidency without how to solve the problem: another bull.

of this tragedy for the local bullfighting are several lessons. A major one is that the place must have a technical board to your height, it does not violate the rules and win the trust of the fans, if there is any salvageable even in the city.
The company made a huge effort to bring forward this season with some good signs, but the local groups not accounted for nor hit him outside. The square was not filled or when torearon El Juli, Castella and Bolivar, which are a very good lineup anywhere.

The bulls in Cartagena something happens like what the local baseball, its fans are almost all older people, with the aggravating for bullfighting that he is growing resistance around the world, including Spain, because each is increasingly difficult to justify cruelty against the bull, however art is bullfighting. So it will be difficult to increase the flow of the fans in Cartagena, especially when youth is not enthusiastic about this activity, which is not cheap ticket for the bulk of the population.

Perhaps the only way to recover the bulls in the city would be through a public-private partnership that would allow a much cheaper ticket and both had several bullfighting festivals during the year to encourage the home crowd, that we lose because of the lack of seriousness with which the bulls were managed for many years.

is unfortunate that we have gone wrong with the employer, who put effort and enthusiasm of the bulls in Cartagena.

Cartagena de Indias - Colombia Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Source: The Universal

Joselillo of Colombia: ¨ People do not know how to value such a great effort ¨

Alberto Lopera /

Manizales (Colombia). Joselillo of Colombia, Mundotoro has expressed regret at having to take the decision to suspend the Fair Cartagena de Indias "Siento mucha tristeza y dolor tener que tomar esta decisión – nos ha manifestado- pero la gente no supo corresponder ni valorar un esfuerzo grande que he venido haciendo ya desde hace cuatro años, para volver a darle a Cartagena la categoría que se merece".

"Lo ocurrido ayer rebosó la copa. Un cartel costoso y esperando que vinieran los aficionados a las taquillas, la corrida tuvo un retraso de dos horas que yo mismo lamento, y que lógicamente, hicieron reaccionar al público".

"En definitiva, ya no doy más. Ya no aguanto tanta pérdida, ya no tengo dinero para responder y por lo tanto suspendo ya la fair. No more runs and I do not want to know more about it. "

Source: World

Press Peru Antitaurino