Saturday, February 14, 2009

Doujinshis De Incesto Online

International News: WORLD COMPANY IS TAURINE DEBACLE Antitaurino

runs Cartagena without

As you may have heard the fans cartagenera The bullfighting season took an abrupt end yesterday to announce their employers who do not go their runs this year.

's edition of El Universal realized yesterday the rumors that circulated before the run of 5, which ensured that the two-hour delay was that two of the most important bullfighting season lineup and did not move from their residence and hotel until the company did not cancel until the last penny, hence the delay in reaching the square.

The organization of the arena itself was good. It was clean to get the public, well groomed and numbered seats, embedded in tiles. It was easy parking and easy also to reach the boxes. The sellers were in uniform and took care to bother viewers as well as on other occasions. But there was consensus that the president's box was arranged that handled better.

is noted that the technical board, or one-disregarded the rules of bullfighting in the square, so that there was a bull hat, which is mandatory, and when it was needed because the sixth Miguel Bolivar went lame, was not available and he wanted the presidency to deal with the bull disabled.

There was anger, as expected, without any solution to the height of the public or a square notch. Fans from outside will be the worst impression of the season and will cost Cartagena recover from this injury in the field of bullfighting. The audience stood and left, an energetic but futile protest for a presidency without how to solve the problem: another bull.

of this tragedy for the local bullfighting are several lessons. A major one is that the place must have a technical board to your height, it does not violate the rules and win the trust of the fans, if there is any salvageable even in the city.
The company made a huge effort to bring forward this season with some good signs, but the local groups not accounted for nor hit him outside. The square was not filled or when torearon El Juli, Castella and Bolivar, which are a very good lineup anywhere.

The bulls in Cartagena something happens like what the local baseball, its fans are almost all older people, with the aggravating for bullfighting that he is growing resistance around the world, including Spain, because each is increasingly difficult to justify cruelty against the bull, however art is bullfighting. So it will be difficult to increase the flow of the fans in Cartagena, especially when youth is not enthusiastic about this activity, which is not cheap ticket for the bulk of the population.

Perhaps the only way to recover the bulls in the city would be through a public-private partnership that would allow a much cheaper ticket and both had several bullfighting festivals during the year to encourage the home crowd, that we lose because of the lack of seriousness with which the bulls were managed for many years.

is unfortunate that we have gone wrong with the employer, who put effort and enthusiasm of the bulls in Cartagena.

Cartagena de Indias - Colombia Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Source: The Universal

Joselillo of Colombia: ¨ People do not know how to value such a great effort ¨

Alberto Lopera /

Manizales (Colombia). Joselillo of Colombia, Mundotoro has expressed regret at having to take the decision to suspend the Fair Cartagena de Indias "Siento mucha tristeza y dolor tener que tomar esta decisión – nos ha manifestado- pero la gente no supo corresponder ni valorar un esfuerzo grande que he venido haciendo ya desde hace cuatro años, para volver a darle a Cartagena la categoría que se merece".

"Lo ocurrido ayer rebosó la copa. Un cartel costoso y esperando que vinieran los aficionados a las taquillas, la corrida tuvo un retraso de dos horas que yo mismo lamento, y que lógicamente, hicieron reaccionar al público".

"En definitiva, ya no doy más. Ya no aguanto tanta pérdida, ya no tengo dinero para responder y por lo tanto suspendo ya la fair. No more runs and I do not want to know more about it. "

Source: World

Press Peru Antitaurino



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