Saturday, September 25, 2010

Alicia Rhodes Leaving

[Sonando: Uzzhuaia - Shadow makes you shiver]
[Book: The Dark Elf]
[Series: The Big Bang Theory 4x01]
[Game: Kingdom Hearts. Birth By Sleep]

When I was little, I do not remember exactly why, we went in the school in which they asked us to make a list of things we thought were most important in our lives, ordered from largest to smallest. In first I thought it stupid, it was not nobody's business but mine and something I was unable to prioritize, let alone capture it on paper as a kind of absolute truth about myself. Well, I guess that at that age I did not think those words, but I remember that feeling.
But I was also concerned to keep my record in style, where the only blemishes were some attitude problems, according to all the teachers I had from then until I finished high school.
So I had to.

And what could make first? Place the first word in the list below meant leaving all the others.
I took a look at my partner's responses and some more. In all cases, the family occupied the first place, and it seemed that was what had to be.
And I thought, if you put it, was putting members my family over my friends, or I will not deny it, strangers who had given me something, as it could be a writer or a musician. I could not deny it then or do now, there are friends and unknown people I treasure more than all those people with whom I share a bond of blood or political.

often recognize that many people say that "The blood does not love", but on the other side say there are things that are made by the family that is not done by anyone else, like some kind of sacrifice or the clearest example is usually the loan of money. Sorry but it is a sovereign contradiction. And lie. And very, very hypocritical.

There are members of my blood family that I only see at weddings, christenings and wakes. I do not know their names, just remember their faces, or what they do, or what exact relationship unites us. And I'm not interested at all. I do not want to invite me to their weddings, it is absurd to go to celebrate an event so important to people ... if you do not know anything. Regardless of how much I like to "fix".
course, but "we have to invite the family." Is that the absurdity abounds everywhere. You can not invite all your classmates, because ... no, but you have to invite the sixteenth aunt by the father to which you have seen it twice for two seconds during your life, because if not, you're a terrible person.

There are members of my immediate family which often I can not stop hating. I'm not talking about momentary tantrum or disagreements you may have with my parents, then talk more deeply about them. I'm talking about take years enduring humiliating treatment, having to shut up because "we must respect our elders" and "You can not fight with the family as a friend from school, because they are your family will always be there."
hate, hate, hate, and hate that ... how I can call? "Belief?
What have these people in my family for me? Why what they have to always be there, being of the family?
addition to family gatherings hate me, which I always have, from very small, a book or a console, because I was never allowed to participate in a conversation, unless it was with anticipation that pedantic and proud to know that if certain topics are raised, and I may speak, I get mad, and always fun to see me angry.
Really that's normal? "What you need to take? Well I like it!

I've never had too clear if this is normal in any family, or is that mine is particularly nasty. Of course I envy anyone who tells me that it happens tit at family gatherings. Me I wish I had not ever come to these conclusions.
But what I see are always tensions, discomfort, comments back, talks about what is true or not, before one or another person, almost like carrying a script, knowing that in reality, nobody wants to be there around that table, we all change to do anything else. But do not say out loud, you can not admit to people that your family is less important than your classmates, friends since high school or hold an English Sir suffering from early Alzheimer's.
Seriously, if I look at my life in perspective, for instance, Terry Pratchett, a writer I've ever exchanged a word, has given me more things and "more positive" and that in general, have made me happier and have taught me much more and better than almost all people that share a genetic link. Or Chris Claremont, with yes I have spoken, and I remember much better and with more affection and emotion those few sentences that all cross with members of my family in over 20 years. And so I can say about any musician or singer whose songs tell me something. Or a character from a television series, which may have taught me more than just keep quiet when adults speak even though they have no idea what they are saying (and tiny atrocities have come to listen) or at least made me laugh instead of mourn.
not worth me "But you ..." My what? no, sorry, not enough a name of relationship, a cartel. I have not chosen, not because I have so glad not to accept or act accordingly.

But that day in class, I ended up putting the family as the first in the list, because I knew no one would accept my explanation. It was one of the first times where I stopped to avoid discussing the truth and outraged many. Although I did not say out loud, was very clear that this word referred to my parents, period. For

Furthermore, I have the "lucky" to have a special relationship, in the best sense of the word, with my parents, something that not many can say, as I have seen. So in no time I felt this emptiness that say that only family can fill.
My parents are my parents, in the biological sense and less important of the word, but also in the ... call it true, because they have acted as such life, worrying about my education and happiness in equal measure.
And if now I should say "Hey Pic, you really are taken."
Well, first, of course not call me at home Pic (but sounded funny) actually say they are upset because they had a hard time find a name (that is to have eggs) so that now people call me "3'14".
And second the magic of genetics can not deny that I am the daughter of my parents.
But if that were true, perhaps offend me because in 24 years is too long to tell, but do not worry me more. Parents are acting as such (unless it has prevented a disaster), not enough to give you life. To give you life time they had them better than anyone, is not enough to win the title of father.

If the situations seen in my family relationships experienced by a group of friends, that group and not exist, but this protects the kind of mystique that family, any sacrifice is justified.

Normally, we all make a very comprehensive selection to get to meet some friends who appreciate, with whom they feel comfortable in any situation, we trust first. But we accept the imposition of family miserable existence you and make you feel miserable with yourself for thinking ill of them.

may cost me understand many of these wonderful links being an only child. I grew up watching the brothers fought like any friend from school, but the difference was that lived in the same house, and sometimes even shared room. So, the dispute seemed resolved because there was no other option. In contrast, the same level of disagreement could trigger not to return to speak with that person. But the magic of blood union that you can forgive it anything. It's something I can not understand, much as I see it. My mother says it is something that grows when you grow up with someone, you can not explain. Must be that. Same is the same link I have with my parents, forged throughout my life and thanks to which I consider a different level than our differences.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nylon Duffle Bag Washer And Dryer

βʀight Sʈαʀ Russian Red. MAMMOTH

βʀight Sʈαʀ of Jane Campion

is the latest film by Jane Campion . A film of time a romantic movie, and it is, but as in previous stories, the director gets to skip the conventions of both genres and make something different. Get you have intimacy with the person sitting in the chair because it is not only to teach a story also wants us to play the protagonist fabrics and sew dresses and we discover with her the poet Keats .

details are endless in this film that would give film-forum for a small, meticulous and quiet conversation. The best: the evolution of it since adolescence youth, toughness to tenderness, from the frivolous to the deepest sensibility, which, in turn, allows you to find so close a man full of literary imagination out of the ordinary. The steps you take her for love are tall against what Keats makes him the same love.

The game launches Campion subtly at the beginning of the story would make the competitive art of writing and the art of sewing is a rivalry that creates beautiful images. And not just at the time, because the film is filled with moments of delicacy difficult to see (the butterflies, male singing group a cappella scene is no more important and unforgettable beauty.) And as long as the poems of Keats in the background.

The film makes you want to smell the heather and the apple blossoms, to read Keats and to see her again. I wish the film shows Women's recovered again to enjoy such beauty in silence.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How To Masterbate Without A Vibrator

Jane Campion and global chains

Mamut, Lukas Moodysson, 2009 presents Leo and Ellen, successful professionals who work hard

and so have Gloria, Filipino domestic who cares for the daughter of both.

But Gloria, in turn, has two children in the Philippines has left the care of his mother.
Leo A trip to Thailand for work completed international network of relationships that unfold in the film.

Nobody is where they want to be and tod @ s need to give and receive care and affection.

global care chains : the sustenance of life and transfer of care work based on axes of power: gender, ethnicity, social class and place provenance. Gender as an organizer of care at the transnational level, thanks to female migration. "this model is sustainable and development release?

Cineforum: Sunday September 19, 20h. The Milky Way (C / Doctor Palomar 25, Zaragoza)
WITCH 2.0. Feminist Discussion Group.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ladies Head Shave At Festival

care Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth

Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth (1905), Alba, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2008

is almost as stupid to allow clothes betray a knowledge of reality itself
as letting proclaims the presumption of one's own beauty. p. 110

When speaking of education offered to women corseted until just 50 years, is often mentioned restrictions attached to such female education, but few attempts have been made to see the vital conviction which involved the management of a life into a model designed primarily for a single valuable object.

was Edith Wharton one of the writers who most lucidly and boldly expose heard this sentence in novels like The House of Mirth .

not be fooled by appearances. While she indeed turned his literary space in upper class New Yorker, not only wanted to describe a world he knew very well and certainly not writing for this class. The House of Mirth it is devastating and there is no room for hope. Not because the thesis could have posed no way out, "Trends inherited had joined an early education to become the highly specialized product really was: an organism as helpless out of their small size as the sea anemone torn from the rock. It had been formed to adorn and delight: and what other purpose nature round the rose petals and paint the hummingbird's chest? " (pp. 349-350).

This is the beautiful Lily Bart , the tragic protagonist of a history of complaints almost shouted, apparently wrapped in loops of elegance and finesse but an irony so acute that strikes like a dagger: "... the circle Mr. and Mrs. Wetherall was so large that God was on their list of visits "(p. 68). Spurred by a possible but unlikely poverty (with the ugliness, dirt and mediocrity that goes with it) the protagonist goes into a spiral of misunderstandings caused largely by a single woman status, which allows the author show how the social status of early twentieth century was locked in so tight social norms, so oppressive, so unfair to all women who gave them no and break out "the bell jar" implies the destruction of his own character . Years Sylvia Plath later reach the same conclusion.
Mahler's election is no accident. Some of the pain and the inability to achieve the beauty and perfection that so many of his Visconti reflect on the novel by Thomas Mann Death in Venice (1912), is already in The House of Mirth (1905).