Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ladies Head Shave At Festival

care Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth

Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth (1905), Alba, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2008

is almost as stupid to allow clothes betray a knowledge of reality itself
as letting proclaims the presumption of one's own beauty. p. 110

When speaking of education offered to women corseted until just 50 years, is often mentioned restrictions attached to such female education, but few attempts have been made to see the vital conviction which involved the management of a life into a model designed primarily for a single valuable object.

was Edith Wharton one of the writers who most lucidly and boldly expose heard this sentence in novels like The House of Mirth .

not be fooled by appearances. While she indeed turned his literary space in upper class New Yorker, not only wanted to describe a world he knew very well and certainly not writing for this class. The House of Mirth it is devastating and there is no room for hope. Not because the thesis could have posed no way out, "Trends inherited had joined an early education to become the highly specialized product really was: an organism as helpless out of their small size as the sea anemone torn from the rock. It had been formed to adorn and delight: and what other purpose nature round the rose petals and paint the hummingbird's chest? " (pp. 349-350).

This is the beautiful Lily Bart , the tragic protagonist of a history of complaints almost shouted, apparently wrapped in loops of elegance and finesse but an irony so acute that strikes like a dagger: "... the circle Mr. and Mrs. Wetherall was so large that God was on their list of visits "(p. 68). Spurred by a possible but unlikely poverty (with the ugliness, dirt and mediocrity that goes with it) the protagonist goes into a spiral of misunderstandings caused largely by a single woman status, which allows the author show how the social status of early twentieth century was locked in so tight social norms, so oppressive, so unfair to all women who gave them no and break out "the bell jar" implies the destruction of his own character . Years Sylvia Plath later reach the same conclusion.
Mahler's election is no accident. Some of the pain and the inability to achieve the beauty and perfection that so many of his Visconti reflect on the novel by Thomas Mann Death in Venice (1912), is already in The House of Mirth (1905).


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