Friday, August 27, 2010

Cheap Threading Calgary

The Chaos

[Sonando: Chunchunda of a party ...]
[Book: The andalite Chronicles]

Earlier I discovered webcomics by Marcos Arroyo, author of Leie and Cartoon Heroes, who had known enough for the Animorphs channel and began to read to him and Moran in " Hey man! ". I had already met once with comics hanging on webs and had browsed but never followed one very hard.
then Elf discovered because of other webcomics, I went to drop the WEE (webcomics in English) as a groupie, and I was trapped between the works of such great authors as part of that community. But

I have to admit that my favorite webcomic is The Goonish Shive, who also discovered because of Elf. Dan Shive do not know if he planned to go so far when it started back in 2005. Yes, the greatest difficulty that I find the time to recommend this comic to other people is the number of strips that leads so far but believe me they are read as usual.
Why engage EGS, engages and very passionate.
is a story of magic, martial arts, aliens, modification, alternative worlds, double wicked ... all with well-constructed characters, which is impossible not to appreciate and surrounded by thousands of geeks references in which notes that the author is and try that anyone can still enjoy the story, but without ever losing the charm and smile to recognize things.

In some ways reminds me of the idea of \u200b\u200bBuffy, with a set of actors all quite different, some joined by former friendship, and others as the story progresses through different circumstances.

One of the things I like about EGS is the way to Dan's talk about love and relationships in general, because you know that I am so sappy and often of that in what I fixed, so no has nothing to do with causing many series marujeo on an "as is bundled with this and then just then fight and blablabla "
Their partners seem real couples, not like those seen in the series, which are together because other and throwing each other topicazos sexist and all the interest seems to rest on whether to fight for a silly or misunderstanding ...
And while his characters have single, but still do not seem bitter or lonely simple comic relief, I do not know if you see what I mean, are real characters.

Yet the best thing is that although it is a story with teenagers Protas, does not revolve around their trouble, or a thousand times that a couple breaks to form another, but are a natural part of the background of things supernatural that happen to a group of friends who are witches, alien-animal hybrids, martial arts experts based on anime or perverted scientific genius.

is great as this guy can spin more than a saga about a weapon that can change sex to people without falling into typical jokes about sex or artificial, but serves some of the characters realize the error involved personality and actions awarded to the difference of a single chromosome that exists between men and women, regardless of other biological differences.
Or the incredible feat of gay or bisexual characters and that is not its sole and absolute role in the comic, represent to a group and be a source of jokes and Conas about the attitude and way of life that are supposed to have on their sexual orientation. That not a few series / movies / whatever where it occurs.

I am surprised and comforted by their ability to portray sex in a serious, yet hilarious, without being afraid that "if it is about sex is funny," as we live or should live young, as something natural, beautiful and especially for when you are ready, not because he has to do it sooner rather than later.
not neglect the friendship pure and true (oigh, how nice), and different degrees of trust between the characters.

Dan has created his own world, which is in theory more or less like ours, but with well-defined rules of magic and technology, with a trabajadísimo background, while the protagonists attend a normal school.
And all this is done in a realistic way (which is not incompatible with magic or science fiction, if not with the way everything fit), rare is the comic book does not start laughing, using both absurd humor as the most twisted without falling into the foul.

Perhaps at first to scare the drawing, since Dan started it as an amateur, and though not quite aesthetic drawings, have always been able to transmit exactly what happened, using well, such as facial expressions. I love your current drawing style. Thanks to wonder

read this comic (and some others later), I've developed my English enough, especially as they are colloquial expressions. And that is welcome.

I'm not convinced the idea to start talking about your argument because it would be unable to do true justice without reventaros whole story or you start getting lost in the branches, which can only mislead you. Because believe me, except for some details of those he has mocked or repentant, is a history tied very well everywhere.

So I can only to recommend this wonderful comic. How she longed to talk about it ... and could still spend more, but I think that's enough.


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