Sunday, October 24, 2010

Clear Cervical Mucus 2 Days Before Period

social network. A story of men

I see the network and catch me without remedy and facebook me is evidence that, once again, a matter of men. Created by men (or a colleague or friend was invited to participate in its infancy), the origin of the idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting people born from a personal vendetta of its creator to a former girlfriend. The film shows how a brutal sexism is still alive today among the intellectual elite and its most brilliant representatives lack the maturity to face with dignity the failure of a personal relationship.
The betrayals are occur throughout the film, but really one of the most outrageous is the one taken against the girl who makes him see their shortcomings. Internet becomes, with these uses, in an unbeatable weapon, with which you can not defend nearly any way.
The cruelty of revenge as well as the success of the idea of \u200b\u200bfacebook completely surpasses its creator turning their own fears, prejudices, in games that are thousands of people.
I can not understand the character of the bride's friend, partner. One of the few women who have a role the movie ends up being a most dangerous psychopath. Only the first conversation between the protagonist and his girlfriend makes me like the writer. And yet, I think it is a naive view, I think, without a clear denunciation, is intended to see how the university today is full of topics from relationships, inequality and sexism that is still pouring into the great inventions XXI century.

For all this, I recommend the movie at all, because it is a good movie, because you learn a lot of things: how the world as "one of the best universities" in the world, how it was created fb, how it triggers a huge snowball economic, legal, commercial, coiling the players, why give so much value to this network, and how bright a person's shortcomings are reflected in its creation. And because if anyone thinks that today no longer need feminism, if you think you have already achieved equality, respect and therefore do not need a ministry of Gender, just about, for example, this film and know that we still have a lot.

And in the background is a love story that does not exit, where he is wrong as well ...


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