Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bus And Train Chickan

Successful campaign in Ica demonstrated rejection of the people of Ica by bullfighting and gallísticos

ICA's successful campaign conducted

Ica demonstrated the population's rejection
Ica by bullfighting and gallísticos.

Antitaurino Peru's national organization, formed by animal protection associations in the country's most prestigious for the second consecutive year on Sunday held a National Campaign Simultaneous Diffusion and protest against cruelty to animals shows .

In Ica was performed at noon in the Plaza de Armas, which was announced through flyers, posters and leaflets the suffering of animals in bullfights, cockfights, and others. Also

called for the adoption of the Draft Law No. 00496-2006, which is still within the Education Commission of the Congress. approved and will put an end to these practices irrational.

This activity aimed to sensitize the people of Ica on the importance of respect for animals to live together without violence and how harmful it is to continue to maintain traditions that promote anti-values \u200b\u200bin children and audience.

Needless to mention the anger and concern felt by residents to look at all the suffering these animals for profit appetite and desire to have fun with the regulars Concurrent to these unhealthy activities, confirming the 83.1% disapproval in our country.

Jorge Guerrero, local coordinator, said the bulls and roosters are also living beings and no one has the power to cause so much damage under the rubric of culture, art and tradition.
also stated that these attitudes that emerge in some humans that denote insensitivity decay.

"Animals, as we are beings with full capacity to feel pain and not being tortured morally justified as in the case of bulls and roosters," he said.

also said he did not remain passive to prevent in this city further encourage this type of aberrant functions. "The authorities could make history by declaring their districts free of these bloody events, as they have done in other civilized countries," he said.

therefore continue doing this kind of information activities and invite the public to join this national crusade "For a Bullfighting Peru, asking the adoption of Bill No. 00496.

For more information visit

Antitaurino ICA Coordination: Luis Cortez

Phone: (056) 956 374 615


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