Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How To Make Choori Pajama



Mayor prevented peaceful demonstration
Birth performances against Ica cruel to animals.

Sunday October 28 held a peaceful demonstration in various departments. Ica was not spared and was in the Plaza de Armas where many young people gathered to say stop to the cruelty to animals, but the mayor of Ica, Mariano Nacimiento, with lack of discretion and without joining the initiative, ordered the troops public safety that the scatter of the place.

October is not only a religious holiday month, but also initiates the bullfighting season, held by their sadistic. But ten years ago, animal welfare organizations and environmental protection, group meeting now in Peru Antitaurino, question severely degrading performance of these parties.

These shows do not contribute to peace and development of our country. Public carnage in the presence of persons insensitive to animal suffering, would be considered offensive to religious sanctities, especially when prizes are labeled with their names at the best murderer of helpless animals.

The demonstration against bullfighting and cockfighting, several activists carrying posters and banners held a sit peacefully, protest apparently did not like at all to the mayor and not a "Ica remarkable, "arguing that not to do any kind of activity in the Main Square (but without passing processions, clowns, union protests, itinerant preachers) serenazgo effective command to remove them. Birth

said he did not agree to these cruel pastime, but if we look back on his radio show that ran before gallísticos broadcast advertising for shows and bullfighting. It remains that the population Ica judge which was the motive for removing the mayor ordered the protesters.

The authorities should take the lead, but former Congress president Ayaypoma Marcial, is dedicated to the breeding and sale of bulls bulls. In the cities of abolitionist countries of these embarrassments, the same municipalities were the mayor took edicts banning these massacres of animals. The question arises, if the current mayor has the permission of their "friends" for this great achievement in search of a city free of these loopholes brutal ignorance and barbarism of the past.

In Latin America countries such as Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, bullfighting banned more than 150 years, also cities of Spain just using the Law on Protection of Animals in their jurisdiction.

Meanwhile in parliament is still pending the call for the formation of both the National Committee for Animal Protection and Regulation of Law No. 27265, adopted after 7 years. This is important, because without both prerequisites, no debate can be seen in Bill 00496-2006/CR, cruelty to animals, or any other project on protection and animal protection.

Ica, Sunday October 28, 2007 ____________________

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