Thursday, May 13, 2010

Whats The Check Engine Light In My Yukon Mean

Would you mind stopping the world ...?

[Sonando: Saurom]
[Book: Pullman - The Subtle Knife]
[Anime: Bleach # 270]
[Series: How I Met Your Mother 2x11]
[Game: Plants VS Zombies]

best photo of the concert and I had to fix it because my camera has a nasty habit of gray spots appear on the face of people.
But look at him! It is narcissistic! Hand flute and bagpipe and guitar hanging. It is the fucking master.

The truth is that I want to talk in depth about the concert. Was cool on one side and evil for another.
They played some of my favorites, including The Muse and the Spirit, though he was briefly, because the room directly ahead of time they threw us out. And while the latter were too hard. Yes, other. A and I would like enough.
there anything that makes my hair stand on end when it starts ringing Eternal Gods, Sandra and The Archer King and does not have any new ones.
do not know if we were far fewer than normal for a number of cases, but we can not be the only ones that his new job does not tell us ... nothing.
And there were a lot fewer people in the Legends of Rock this summer, with the late night, after a full day of festival. Or the concert a few years ago, just out Juglarmetal.

is supposed to be good, so that people evolve and progress. But even their new songs are much more spectacular, I do not arrive, or the soul or Nigun part. Having lost all his magic, his charm of minstrels with guitars. And I think very well if they feel more comfortable and fulfilled, but now I sound like a more heavy group. Should give more equal opportunities.

And I've noticed this happens to me with everything. At some point I get things settled around me and are important in a particular way. I do not like to change, because then you are not my things, and I do not like the feeling that makes me meet strangers.
This is the smallest things, like the fact that if I was, Nintendo would never have moved from the GameCube, to meet the changes faced by people.
try to assume that I feel the same but as I stand every day, I realize, but I am not convinced by the idea. Assume that according to "grow" and learn new things will be changing my ideas is to assume that my tastes or decisions are based on some kind of ignorance. I believe that the really important things need not change.


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