Sunday, November 28, 2010

2 Cm Dilated Cervix Very Soft

Adrienne Rich, are born of woman

Adrienne Rich, We are born woman. Motherhood as experience and institution . Feminisms Lecture Series 1996.

Feminist pioneer and interesting Adrienne Rich, and theoretical and as a poet. In this book, writing in the seventies but revised in 1986 including an introduction updater, I find issues that I find quite useful to think right now, and it clearly cleared by writing Rich, uniting theory with experience cleverly embodying feminist premise: the personal is political. We are born of women as a way to remember the need to build feminine genealogy, motherhood and the patriarchal political institution, which aims to keep women under control spreading stereotypes about motherhood as an unequivocal and unconditional fact, compared to motherhood as an experience that elicited feelings Search and opposite, like all other human relationships.

I always interested in their political and collective perspective, his reproduce here a paragraph which also cites a poem by his friend Audre Lorde :

Women are born was praised and attacked by what was considered his strange approach: personal testimony mixed with research and theory derived from them. But this approach never seemed strange, as I wrote. What still seems strange is the "absent author" the author who sits speculations, theories, facts and fantasies without any personal basis. On the other hand, recently I felt that the thesis of women's liberation movement of the late '60s that "the personal is political" (a thesis that helped give birth to this book) is being covered by a blurring of the New Age -staff-to-the-personal-self, as if "the personal is good" had become a corollary, forgetting the thesis. Audre Lorde question in a recent poem:

"What we want from each other after being told our stories
We want to be cured a quiet moss to grow over our scars we want the all-powerful sister that will not scare
that will make the pain go that last not so "

The question of what we want more than a" safe space is crucial in terms of differences between individual accounts with no place to go, and a collective movement that empowers women.

Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich Meridel Lesueur and


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