Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dr. Richard Chan Nutrametrix

2011 Colette, Chéri

Colette, Chéri (1920), Ed DeBolsillo , 2010

In Colette 1920 wrote one of his best novels, Chéri. The protagonist of Lonval Léa is a major per-versions of Colette, a famous courtesan is a woman chosen by the author to represent the new woman to the Belle Époque and the roaring 20 wanted to show.
But his boldness does not stop there. The novel tells the love of reading with a mature young man who belongs to the world as the son of another famous prostitute of the time. The Loves of Léa and Chéri are complicated and mixed them attractive as the author, as if it were a love potion, the most primary passion of lovers, with a disrupted power relationship, plus a mother-child play with shocking ingredient of the age difference for Chéri, of course. All this makes the novel in an essay about relationships without thereby missing the humor, the story and plot that make Chéri a very entertaining novel.

Léa a woman is not defensible for feminism is not a model. But still so attractive, so contemporary! Colette invented Chéri to enter established taboos and puts on the table to re-think of the prejudices that are still within us, inherited from our great-grandmothers: the age difference when she's older, the fear total trust in a relationship, the lovers who do not consider the future, the erotic can be a maternal attitude, what does a woman approaching menopause, and what does a young man when set to a mature woman, how important is the Beauty ...
She walks openly, openly, and tells the love between Léa and Chéri. The Frears, is an elegant version of the novel.

female identity is a process and the writing of women involves us in this process in which the writer seeks try to define the basis of the experience of creating art .

Judith K. Gardiner


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