Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where To Buy The Glucotrack

mutual dependence. Domestic workers and care crisis

this exhibition has been opened where I've been working for months. It is a collective one involving Martha Rosler, Eulàlia Valldosera, Daniela Ortiz, Natalia Iguiñiz, Elena Fraj, Louisa Holecz and Domestic Territory. You can see it in the Hall Joan French Women's House of Zaragoza until 27 April. is part of the XIV International Film Festival by women and is the result of a collaboration between the SIEM Odeonia and the Casa de la Mujer.

Mutual Unit Eulàlia Valldosera and Louisa Home Holecz. Photo: Paula Gonzalo
interest was inspired by a shared long feminists conceptualize the global crisis in which we live as care crisis, the people and the planet, and to find cultural references about what the new subjects of feminism, some time we no longer serves the model of middle-class white feminism: women live in very different situations. Address in its complexity and dwell on the contradictions posed us back to the fundamental role of art as a critical questioning of reality.
The conference also inspired state feminist Granada December 2009, where we hear, among others, Amaia Pérez Orozco in the field of economics (who incidentally will be on Thursday March 10 at the center Joaquín Roncal talking about Global chains Care, invited by the SIEM) or Carmen Gregorio in migration.
Displays a set of selected papers in response to a pressing commitment embedded in contemporary feminism: Putting care, and not markets, in the center of social analysis, political and economic: a subversion exercise may move too much foundation. Its title, taken from the work of Eulàlia Valldosera and passed to the plural, question the conceptual boundaries between autonomy and dependence, public and private, work and life, selfishness and altruism, the economic and noneconomic, material and the intangible.
call care to a wide range of processes necessary for sustainability of human life, many of them highly specialized. Are essential but society as a whole does not value or accept responsibility for them. While they are ignored by their main beneficiaries, men, companies and state-, women are mostly taking care of them, organizing them transfer to other women within the family, following a generational axis, or outsourced to private.

Home L. 97 Holecz and domestic employees s Daniela Ortiz. Photo: Carmen Garcia.

interdependencies alludes to this complex web of interdependencies
between patriarchy and women and between men and women.
Among some women and others Axis powers as class, ethnicity, place of origin.
Among the institution art and artists who do "dirty work" and are the lowest paid in many cases: the artist as a "cleaning lady".
Between feminism and artistic practices and policies that the sample collected.
This is just the introduction. I'm going to go count by chapter. Many thanks to the artists, activists and a tod @ s who has collaborated in different ways.


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