Sunday, January 10, 2010

Meagan Good On The Game Hair

X-Men Forever

[Sonando: Sonata Arctica]
[Libro: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone]
[Comic: X-Men Forever # 3]
[Series: Big Bang Theory 3x11]

If there is anything I can not do much we have to study is read. I can not get into bed and turn off the light directly, it is a reflex light the lamp on the wall and read something. Although in this case I have done on the computer but need feeling is the same.
It's no secret that as far as comics are concerned, I'm a fan of the X-Men, being Rondador one of my first and great platonic love, Rogue's character gives me the name (and then me to it, which something was christened made "shortly" with Anna), Kitty something like "I want to be more", but never grow up, etc etc.
had long had a strange sense of "absence", caused by not being regularly following any mutant series since I began to accumulate volumes of Exiles (as soon as possible and have completed start again), or volumes Generation X gives me Miri.
long ago stopped following the latest series, it reached a point where they no longer make my day. And no, I'm not convinced the huge "events" as they call them now. One (Civil War), was good, but have taken it as usual and do not like.
Moreover, since Collections discovered older, uncoated paper, I have become a housing throughout. I read a lot, mostly single, posterior, but nothing excites me as much as the second Claremont X-Men and Excalibur.

Today, in my immunology notes, I remembered the days I had before Claremont. Throughout the round of questions, and then when I talked to him "personally" (there was only one person in the conversation), mentioned several times that he was involved in a new series, X-Men: Forever.
As I'm pretty sure they still have to wait a bit to it here on paper, I've downloaded a few numbers.
There are few those who no longer trust him as a writer ... I do, I can not help it. The grace of his "new" adventure was which drew his characters from a point where you left them years ago, forgetting everything that has happened since then. You know, because I curse too much about it, that this idea does not make me any grace.
But this case is different because he is the author whose words bother me that undo the "modernillos" he was the creator of the stories I engaged in this. Moreover, this point is just where I started to miss quite a bit (Excalibur solution), so for me, as it had happened ...
So for me is a gift, which I was waiting, he came back where I stayed. Again, to tell their stories, with some of my favorite characters (pray for the appearance of Colossus and / or Meggan).
a while ago I reached the point that Claremont himself spoileĆ³ me ... Claremont himself!. I think I mentioned this in his day, we had revealed things, and though I assume it's something that certainly has said it many times and therefore the whole world in my happy world, was something that Claremont himself told us me and a friend in a conversation "private." And now I remembered reading, talking, gesturing and smiling, knowingly, as if to say "cool" to my idea? ". (Everything is said, is very contrived, but I liked).
just hope I do not go within a few numbers with the man to leave again ... which is what usually happens. For now, I'm very excited.


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