Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday Speech For Dad's 60th Free

Happy One Year

been a year.
A year since my life changed from that lifestyle, make decisions and / or make plans in my house changed dramatically, almost made a 180 degree turn to be on the opposite side, changing everything long term perspective close just a month or two away.
do not know if it seems silly, but I challenge you to completely change the dynamics of your home and the people who live there.
A year since a magical date, more magical than the previous year, everything went to hell, and I had to return alone to my house to receive one of the worst news I've been given and never left alone with the cheesecake purchased to celebrate the 25 anniversary of my parents. We had already concluded with the rest of the family, but to celebrate all three, on the exact day for me was much better.
This morning I felt that if they congratulated for their anniversary, was also celebrating another very macabre, the day of diagnosis.

a year since I decided to read every night until you drop, not to think, to not wake up every day with swollen eyes and headache. Before I liked to think before I sleep, I could think of good ideas. Now I prefer to be sleepy in the morning. Interestingly I have left to sleep in class.
a year ago simply turn away many ideas in my mind, because I know that if I start I will not stop mourn, and every second, it all seem more unbearable.
took much longer and avoiding return to mourn in public, that does not concern me as well, but I think I've improved. So I
at least a month mulling over this post, wondering if I should write, if I benefit or worse I will pass it at all, if those who have it worse it seems ridiculous and even offensive to me. Or just knowing when it would set me to mourn all that I have not cried so far.

A year after my father and I left the room where the rest of our family waited nearby, watching TV and trying to talk about anything more cheerful and unimportant. It is a depressing topic very true what you are hospitals, and that there are saved so many lives being lost. The corridor was deserted, you could hear muffled voices leave some room, and I just sat in a chair and stared into the void, trying to leave the mind blank to not mourn, cry of rage and kicking things.
My father took me by the shoulders and gave a manidísima phrase that you hear in any series or movie, I tried to tell him, take iron, laugh, but I came out the words. Total, it was our total and quite stupidly dramatic telefilm after eating.
It's so ironic and disgusting.
I know too many cases (one is already too much) of parents lost too soon. I always wondered but never dared to do it out loud, what he felt, if it was as horrible as he could imagine, the fact of losing your mother so soon. And I feel angry, like shouting, how dare you to get sick, giving me the opportunity in the near future to see for myself and even legarme (though I can not say which) something similar for my future family. How dare I'm going to bring children into the world to make this or Jorge.
And I hate feeling so selfish, because as much as I joke, I realize that this really is hit hardest by it. She and my father, who after many years together, they remain a valuable partner, which seems increasingly rare in adults married. After many years making plans, hoping for a more stable economic situation permits, there are many things that no longer can or want to do.

Sometimes I think we should give thanks, because I know it could be worse, I really do not know. But I can not help but feel as if it were to give thanks for having changed the lives that we liked and one that we crawl and we thank for a month of relief. Because we know that we can not aspire to more, not even to retrieve our life as it was and would be until that day.
not fair. Karma does not work. And time does not put people in place.


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