Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kates Underground Follada


[Sonando: Glee - Defying Gravity]
[Book: Pullman - Northern Lights]
[Anime: Cowboy Bebop]
[Game: Tales of Symphonia]

Today I again know what is extreme frustration, feeling the blood boil, knowing you can not do anything to defend what we cherish.
I often complain of being treated with a kind of condescension when still a student living at home with their parents without a job and not even a driver's license. Because I have no idea how real life is usually not even I find or simply am unable to understand what happens in the country, let alone the rest of the world.
But it's true, I live in my own little world, facing my little earthly problems, and trying to enjoy what I have, my friends and hobbies.

all know that generalizing is wrong, yet we share the feeling that we, the geeks are better than others ... Social groups call them, because for some reason, apart from our vices, more or less useless, we always have our aspirations a little further, or at least what I've seen so far. Especially when I began to relate to people very different from me, in college, I decided to stop thinking so, or correct a little thought, as though they are not hobbies like ours, they often experience them as well, and just understand little they to ours. And do not worry, we are different, period, but we can relate, we can talk of common things ...
And though I felt much better about myself after this, this has led me to a fat and stupid mistake to think that somehow the world works this way, there is a superhero who is passionate about, and whom he cares about really are shoes, or cars, or whatever.

I had forgotten that there people who could not care less, but nothing. There are people who are not able to be passionate, if not for shit to others, for trying to build a kind of social circle, for having sex without really understanding what it is, but you have to do it, shatter-based health alcohol and drugs, just because. And as many ways that I can not understand.
adolescents are now (no, not going to use tags or nicknames invented by television.) I do not know how we got into this, I do not understand how parents of a generation bred such monsters, not want anything from life except to annoy others, and they look so normal.
What happened? Are all parents have acted as badly? So many?
all know people spoiled and pampered in our class from school, a neighbor, a cousin, but ... is that now there are very few who are not so.
Perhaps this generation of parents felt that they should not be as severe as they were with them, without seeing the benefit that this has had on them or their work prevented them from providing proper care to their offspring, who have had because it is it touches, normal, without considering whether they were prepared and / or trained to be parents.
guess it's a set of all, he has done to throw the world into his wild, waiting for others hiciesen the job falls to the parents. And this is the result.
And we can not do anything to defend them, because all are protected, and they know it, and wallow in his shit laughing at you.
In the near future, society will share with them ... and some say "but that you are taking a career that you aspire to a real job, you will be above them." I do not know why, do not see it so clear, we will share a partnership with them, and will be unworkable.

I wonder if someday the time they put in place, act of karma and will rise one day all the shit eating deserve, knowing full well why, and we can enjoy the life we \u200b\u200bwant. Because yes, and do not feel guilty for feeling this way, I consider myself superior to them in any way I can think of, I am. And what are all those who are suffering, we all are, folks.


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