Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can I Wax After Exercise

Shive .. Instinct? Completing the course

I come from a few days of camping near Vigo, in, as we become, the junction of several tributaries. It is a beautiful place. It is a camping area where people come from nearby villages to bathe and therefore it is inevitable to notice the hand of man. Still
to unwind and green and you can see the stars at night, in the light of candles and / or flashlights, laughter with friends. I felt a harmony
beautiful that he could reach the man and nature, and you can not avoid the effect produced by our very presence, but minimized greatly.
And if you ride a little river, internñandote in the vegetation, the only sign of not being the first human foot got there was the narrow path of grass steps, reaching areas of water forming beautiful lakes and natural water slides.

been great to be there to see lots of dragonflies fly Devil cabalitos different colors, butterflies and all sorts of stupid,. Although arna that was installed in our store made me not so funny.
It's amazing what we are accustomed to swimming in salt treated pool and muscle pain and fatigue that causes water to swim in the river, although not even be against the current.

But something made me confirm one of those things that tend to float through your head but do not usually allow it to settle, because you would rather be exaggerating unconsciously do not want to think about it.
is the instinct of man to change everything you see, to resemble something that does not seem strange or hostile, but close and friendly, comfortable, and in the process, demonstrate the superiority awarded that gives me so angry. One thing is to mount
tents, chairs and tables and a camping gas. Or make a fire with dry twigs to make a delicious meal, although being in Maximum fire danger alert, and having been visited by authority figures (with the corresponding signing and warning), it seems a stupid recklessness. As much as the man learned to make and manage fire, is not going to stop if you so desire.
But not even that has angered me as much as see, first arriving at a group of people our age get in the water and start to close with huge stones (between grunts and gestures "to see who gets fatter") , to close the water passages creating a sort of pool.
A pool? Really? "Coming to a beautiful river needs a pool to be comfortable with your beach mat? At first only seems
ridiculous, because it was not nowhere near a wall sealed, and you look down across the water.
But to get up early for breakfast and collect hems we met with all the water passes the blocked area and a hole trap ridiculĂ­sima much wider than any of the fry that surrounded us seated in the only way through. And
enough standing water was observed, with lots of branches, leaves and this mousse so horrible that I do not know what it is but relate to eutrophic waters.
None of this was necessary.
stupid I find that kind of demonstration of humanity, the desire for environmental manipulation and modification thus brutal (of course any animal that causes a change in the middle), and for females show the male group that is known to survive in the field and make fish traps in a river.
is rather a demonstration of stupidity, because that seems to be very clean the river, do not know if it's a good idea to eat fish.
had no plans to return to get in the water, because they do not have time to dry myself comfortable in the sun, but I could not help it, and I've been pushing the biggest pity stagnated water. I've also thought about releasing the trap, but I have simply out of the water.

And so they have embittered my last hours in a place as precious. I guess now everything will be exactly as I've found this morning. Hopefully fishing, hopefully caught poisoning the chalice.


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