Monday, July 5, 2010

Condoleeza Rice Email Address

" Unfaithful. Stories of transgression "by Joyce Carol Oates, or how to give real life to the words (I)

Laura Pilar Mateo, one of our invited firm, suggests a good read for this summer. Of your hand and through a careful analysis, Laura Pilar introduces our blog in the complex world of Joyce Carol Oates, in several rows entries with sensitivity and critical acumen. I will like for sure.

Infidel. transgression stories of Joyce Carol Oates, or how to give real life to the words

Much has been spoken of feminist Gothicism Oates A gothic new-style in which the spectra and classical storms are replaced by the darker side of humans: anxiety, loneliness, love sick, irrational fears, depression, the devastating power of the passions .. . With this material, emerged from the bottom of the womb, the prodigious writer constructs a literary space really disturbing, which often leads to a destructive and violent end. Nothing and no one can escape the violence that surrounds us and which lies at depths of our being, it seems that its complex writing.

Perhaps, therefore, the 21 stories collected in this volume are as 21 bullets that directly impact the minds and hearts of those who read them. And it is that this is a subversive book, corrosive and painful as that is the quintessential love song, passion and desire. Gloomy perspective, it shows the strength of chiaroscuro hallucination how much of the phenomenon of passion and at the same time, how are they rational appeal. Because what is no doubt, reading these stories, is that if the passions we use, we also use them in correspondence perverse to pretend that human existence has any meaning in our unstable hands.
So Oates characters transit of wishes to the unbridled passion of the most repressive Puritanism of anxiety through the flesh, the dream to reality, almost without transition. They are hybrid creatures, half-rational human, half animal. Sirens or minotaurs. In any case, hybrids that range from pain to cruelty or self-employed, and who get lost in the desire for revenge and the desire to understand something about the world around them. His incarnation is as sensory and tactile, so realistic and surreal at the same time as life revolve around that. To do almost all the stories have a narrator or narrator forced to disclose knowledge of a crime or an event that decisively changed the code of conduct, and even your personality. Hence, the only act of affirmation that allows them to cling to their desire, their obsessions (his madness) with a point of pride, because if not, what is left.

Furthermore, as literature is a fabric of many codes, the action rules governing these accounts, plus easily recognizable everyday situations, reflect a world of exclusion, in which Passion is undivided and in which is required to take sides regarding sexuality, family and social class membership. Few perpetrators of this act and those who are paying the price. From this point of view, the tracking script Oates, obvious to what extent all the stories are representative of a feminist literary tradition, since, under these stories, themes and images, are hovering others where the writer is concerned by x-ray, encoding it, the true state of women in patriarchal culture. The silence, denial, flight, sublimated sexuality as a way to escape the vacuum, murder, sexual violence against women as endemic deep rooted in the culture ...
A mirror broken into 21 pieces, where the everyday becomes singular Meridian because so surprised to see us, injustice ... They give us smack into a world where guns are players themselves, where the individual become archetypal figures, and where certain truths are irretrievable and lost forever.
The narrative sequence developed in these stories is also unique, with many points of contact and divergence between the subject and the narrator figure, who often suffer from a split into two or more voices. Seemingly disorganized structure and spontaneous, deliberate confusion that mimics the way to tell this to tidy up the aforementioned experience. This envelope technique has, in its ambiguity, with a specific weight in the narrative so that from it we can easily unravel much personality as the character's life.

Laura Pilar Mateo, writer and expert on coeducation


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