Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quotes On Lamplighting

BARBIE LADY Water between fingers, Laura Pilar Mateo

Laura Pilar Mateo received this spring Insula IV Ebro Prize 2009 for her novel Water between fingers. Account the process of liberation, or freedom, of its protagonist, Elvira, whose life emotionally tied to a river. I recommend as summer reading. Because it is entertaining, with several alternative voices to recreate the action and intrigue and, in turn, is full of fine and intelligent thoughts.

Some of the questions which have interested me:

- The protagonist is a transgressor, it fits the social norms. Your search for freedom is linked to the inquiry into the truth, and the price for his disobedience is expensive, subversion is not (ever) but worth it for free.

-motherhood, care for life or lack thereof, as a significant linchpin between different characters: the relationship mother-daughter, pregnancy, parent-adolescent relationship ... and the final story as the perfect delivery of the novel opened.

-Touch and water, from the same title, Water between the fingers, through the whole development of the physical relationship, sensual, visceral, amphibian, with the river, even the names of the chapters - Flowing Water, Ground Water, Rainwater, Standing Water and Hydrogen Peroxide - I call to mind the imagery connected to the tactile (as opposed to visual) and fluidity (vs. rigidity) that Luce Irigaray deployed to describe female sexuality.


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