Monday, January 10, 2011

Exercise After Acl And Meniscus Repair

Beliefs Blood

[Sonando: The Beatles]
[Book: Enid Blyton - Santa Clara]
[Comic: Marvel: The Lost Generation]
[Series: How I Met Your Mother 6x13] [Game: DS - The World Ends With You]

This is another of those things that I give a lot of laps many days, and when it comes time to express it aloud, the number of people present their views, avoids when you stop talking , and sometimes order things in my head. Just really hope not to offend any of the people I care about and read. And I find it very constructive power all continued to write, taking it easy (this text has long been written and edited).

At this point, I think anyone who knows me knows that some do not profess any religion, do not believe in any god or creator. Nor do I raise the flag of science as absolute answer all, despite my training future biologists and spend much of my conscious life in a school of science, because I know how "science." I do not like that kind of confrontation, though, I have to admit that when in doubt, my confidence will always be new to science.

I have understood that for anyone who cares, I'm on the list of Catholic people, as I am baptized. My father, though he rejects the Church and every day I doubt it most, says a believer and wanted me to be baptized. I know many who hate their parents for that. I do not care, but grace does not make me any part of the numbers under which they are defending the Church. Because I have no hesitation in saying that profound contempt for those who have become a belief in their way of life and business. But since then, I did not take Communion, nor have I set foot in a church beyond what is necessary, and less than that, I almost always stay out, simply because I feel uncomfortable in a temple I do not share.

long time ago I discussed with a classmate about religion. She felt comforted when I went to church, when he prayed and God helped him every day. I could not help answer all that I thought was a lack of respect for people around him because they are the ones who support you in life, and herself, which is what strives get things done and if not, it does not.
And I still think the same. I think even embarrassing to give someone the merits of a kind of superior being.
People often speak of the missionaries who help people in their countries or travel to other ... beyond evangelizing missions which seem to me a real lot, which I fail to understand is ... Do I need a religion to be kind to others? "If not for a teaching or holy standards, awareness is useless?
is as if everyone was empty or full of evil by definition and could only fix it with the guidelines of a religion, without being able to distinguish between good and evil just by looking at the damage it does about him.

I feel no "spiritual emptiness" not to look upward to the invisible and vigilant for help. I believe in myself, my capabilities and limitations and those of the people I care. I believe in the teachings of wiser people than me.
And above all try to believe in the goodness and effectiveness of the awareness of people, but of course I take many disappointments, I will not allow myself bitter and think that there are no good people in the world.

I can not help thinking that the history and present of mankind would be infinitely better if no one would have place the concept of religion. All we thought about the number of conflicts around the world creates the fact worship a god or other or do differently! But what it is that head?!

few years ago I argued with a friend, a concept that was fashionable at the moment, the fact teach our children our religion. And I did not get out of my own contradiction:
I think if someone is happy with his faith, it is normal to want to share with their offspring. But my father, who was in charge of my spiritual education, decided against it, and I've grown completely free to choose what I believe. And I think, when you have children, if not taught anything about religion, in fact I will be imposing my beliefs. I am very concerned over this issue than others that someday I'll have to deal with a shoot, such as sex.

All living beings are but the result of a lot of more or less fortunate coincidences, related to environment and our interaction with him.
Having never known what it feels like to believe in a god do not know why people think it does. I do not know if all have a set of moral standards and are all agreed on everything. It may all concerned of their own interpretation of each on the subject. I really do not know, because I do not consider appropriate topic for any conversation or comfortable, is very personal. And very difficult to treat according to what people who are offended, upset or scoff too easily.
There are many things religions that escape me.
You know, I do not like frills and spiritual reflection, I guess I'm too ... "earthly"?, Which means not only believe what can be demonstrated, as I said before, being a student of science. Actually, I think a bit depressed that the world is only what is, what lies ahead, all so gray and dull. But I still need a religion. It seems that there are two sides, and one does have to choose or yes, and it's always fun supergrace from one another, and there is no other option.

I am appalled that you get to do in the name of religion, the empire built under many, like the Catholic Church, being the most familiar example of "how not to profess a religion." And you can not take that as a Catholic, someone will be fully agree with what you say that old man they say is their leader. And I wish I would stop getting into people's lives, both private and public to want (and get) to influence policy and legislation. And I hate it even more than wait and consider this perfectly normal and even essential, as if he really necesitásemos the opinion of the "spiritual experts" to know whether what we are doing is right or wrong.

Simply by being organized, I grind the idea that one religion is the spirituality of a person. The faith should be something to worry about everyone in the privacy of his, soul, call it something. Although I refuse to release the self-awareness of your body, it is impossible, we are linked to our way of perceiving the world, and that passes through our senses, that it works because we have a body.
should not be taught in schools, or become a series of official steps "to perform.


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