Saturday, May 7, 2011

Souillée Mario Salieri

Mutual dependencies (4) Natalia Iguiñiz.

Who is the other woman? How I can address it? How she manages to
Gayatri Spivak, 1986

THE OTHER (2001)
Maria Andrea and Charles, Rosario Charo and Veronica and Norberta.

I started when I moved with my boyfriend and the division of labor ended up doing things for him, I thought how it would do the same things for love but not as work. Always in my house there was a maid, and now I live with my partner and my youngest daughter also hired a domestic worker. And although labor regimes increasingly better, to me I still generates contradiction. I think more than one issue is a problem: domestic work in many parts of the world continues servile characteristics, which specifically cross Peru problems of racism and sexism [1] .

Iguiñiz makes us ask ourselves: Who is the other?, "The employee?, Does the employer?, Is the photographer? That depends on who ask the question of social class, place of origin, etc.
The other is a series of photographic portraits of twenty pairs of employer and employee to express the problem
the other viewed from the privacy of home Lima middle class. For the maid, the other is the employer and his family. For the employer, the other is obviously used. The fact that the photo is entitled only the names of those depicted, without distinguishing who owns which tends to reinforce the supposedly neutral position and parallel to each of them. In fact, tends to dismantle and show that neutrality does not exist, supposedly from the professional distance and disaffection, a reality marked by the economic, social and ethnic. They are careful portraits of composition, all sofa in front of the house employer, the place of privacy where it receives, which shows the position of its owner, which contextualizes the relationship between the couple portrayed.

The domestic world of the world as the other groups, or as other pioneering photographers at the beginning of photography. In the text included in Iguiñiz websites, Antonio Ramos puts on the series The other magical with portraits of Julia Margaret Cameron, one of these pioneers, who used as models to several of her maids, Mary Hiller and Mary Ryan, who sat for her as madonnas, fairies and nymphs, and the questioning attitude of Diane Arbus, who explored as no human condition through his portraits of "others" in this society.
The artist herself chose the lines from Octavio Paz to accompany the exhibition of his series in a previous sample:

for it to be I be another
out of me, find me among the others,
others who do not are if I do not exist,
others give me full existence

It states in its work from its own contradictions, not to judge but to delve into the reality through exacerbate these contradictions. Photos of Natalia Iguiñiz produce and the representation of its own contradiction, embodying the contradiction of a female subject crossed by social class, ethnicity, etc. Following Teresa de Lauretis would not only differences and divisions among women, but also and equally important, differences and divisions in the same woman, that is, that arise as effect of differences and divisions in the subjectivity of each woman. To Lauretis, the subject of feminism is both inside and outside the ideology of gender and realizes he is aware of this dual voltage, in this division and its double vision, which seeks its place among the cracks and crevices of the apparatus of power and knowledge, seeking some way what the
representation becomes law excludes or unrepresentable.
Iguiñiz has also worked as a poster with the union of domestic workers in Peru.

[1] Iguiñiz Natalia Statements in Carmen Vallejos, "De homely Página 12, Argentina, August 18, 2006
Peruvian writer Rocío Silva also linked the mistreatment of workers with private institutionalization of racism and refers to how the practice of subservience as a survival mechanism for poor social sectors can not only political client of populist governments, but also preservation of degrading situations. In his words, in a society terribly unfair as Peru, discrimination and segregation are learned from the cradle: racism and exclusion are naturalized. His story "It takes girl" in the Peruvian magazine Ideele , No. 180, March 2007, aware of this situation in which abuse is combined with the exploitation of children and also includes the alternatives proposed by domestic workers organized in unions domestic workers and other associations.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Army Of Helaman Lyrics

Letter to Marine ... Re

For if you think that you think make you laugh at me or my nonsense, I promise I will try to speak politically correct, so I will not revietas, who will offer what many call him touch blows our enemies only if necessary if not do not offer that fails to say a few swear words in the same sentence, to take baths more often and try to fix my hair for meetings or family events to go to class but I get bored or unwilling to enter this more fun playing guitar with a character at the entrance of the building, which call thee not, therefore, that makes you more of the little cards that you like and who attempts to learn has to do nuego for you to eat more often, that seeketh how to make you laugh at me or my foolishness, I will read more about poderte right to understand what the case, I'll keep playing guitar and makes best masterpieces the fifth symphony and I'm talking about the song I wrote for you "magiamor" I will try to open but the mind and accepts your claims are all valid and all make sense, that'll take you too the contrary only if necessary to bother and laugh by the mother insults that may exist along with the laughter and the "I love you" after insult us very graciously, I will learn to listen and analyze people, I integrare some book club for that of the intelligentsia, who speaks more clearly and I will try to see under dyslexia affects me, that will control my emotions I'm going to die unless I look at a day or so, I will try to not be so jealous that I get to read on the internet with lemon grass recipes for salads say someday you can cook those who will care for my voice a little and quit So if I have something I want to openly say the kiss in the rain, going to take us a beer together, eating ice cream in the rain, going to play bells neighbors to run, I will engage in the fight either where we are or belong to a movement that they say I'm with you for who you are you and your family, who takes classes in spelling so you can understand my letter and I can say simply that I can do a myriad of comments that I can change to you, but in the end to see me walking towards you or where these keep in mind that sparse-haired man, walking strange, lenses, staring and sometimes sad, grim smile, Cheleros belly, which often goes with the guitar on his shoulder, remains the same as always, love you and love you more millennium after millennium, century after century, year after year, month after month, day after day, hour after hour, minute by minute second after second millisecond after millisecond, the same dream with soundproofed, the same as playing guitar on the street, the same who writes poems often without meaning, the same who think that gender equality is possible and that sexism is shit and that patriarchy is also the one who thinks that there should be no divisions in this country by the nationals or visas, you do not need a passport to go to your moon, you knew it ago several days and may be able to change but can be adapted ... the archaeologist or gopher like you call me in the end I'm still the same, the fherbury, the jester of nowhere, the fher for my friends, the hairy for speakers SAME behind me who falls CRAZY AND WHAT IT STILL ..

Walkthrough Gpsphone Pokemon Cheats

I think I fell and I lost my all, I like a glass of water that poured down whole and its parts were irrigated with the wind.

touched me find and look, the man with the guitar and unkempt hair, who laughs at life and falling recovers.

I fell and broke into pieces, and I lost everything I had to offer, but I'll play each of them, my friends beer and comments that made them laugh to myself the guitar and the role of habit, it's personal message again find things that can love and who is here seeketh my pen and my paper and seek again to find the lost poetry, which you liked so much, to finally see your smile again and cheeks of another color .. .

Sunday, April 10, 2011

White Bumps Bikini Waxing

mutual dependencies (3) Martha Rosler

Series of 12 postcards. Playing digital original postcards. Courtesy of the artist.

has been a dream as a pioneer Rosler, active since the sixties and character of the encounter between art and feminism in the late seventies, has generously agreed to participate in this exhibition. For the honor which is his presence and it allows us to perform an exercise in genealogy recognition of female authorship artistic practices. Tijuana Maid part of the trilogy Service. A Trilogy on colonization. work formally comply with the parameters of what is known as Mail Art -a practice that dates back to the sixties and Fluxus environment and seeks to put his speech within the communication processes. Rosler gives this work the name of postal novel, which consists of a series of postcards written by a domestic worker.
in the cards, texts written in Castilian, first-person description and detail working conditions of a maid working Tijuana across the border in San Diego, long hours, low wages, abuses, etc.. [1] .

Before this work, Rosler had made A Budding Gourmet (1973), about a woman wanting to become a gourmet as part of its efforts to raise the position of his family, TowersMaid MC (1974), about a woman working in an establishment fast food in 1977 would make the fourth of these novels, postcards, A New-Found Career. Initially sent only to women, was about a woman who transitioned to unpaid work in the professional art world.
The use of postcards by Rosler points to his desire to overcome the limits of public art privileged elite and reach a wider audience. In their series of Christmas cards From Our House to your House (1974-1978) added images to text. These postcards were critical works in the career of Martha Rosler. Because its distribution and in the case of postal novels of the time factor was crucial, because it was real serial novels ( Tijuana Maid consists of twelve postcards) that opened the possibilities for communication and exchange between sender and recipient / as [2] .

[1] The reference is Elo Vega, Migration, gender boundaries and artistic practices Contemporary: Performing the border and work of Ursula Biemann . Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Castilla - La Mancha. 2009. Unpublished dissertation.
[2] Martha Rosler, Positions in the real world . Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMACBA, 1999, p. 96-97.

Martha Rosler, and Territory Tijuana Maid Domestic, slavery is over!

Photo: Pepe and Paula Domínguez Gonzalo.
; ;                                                               

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Red Rash Under Breasts

interdependencies (2) Eulàlia Valldosera

Video-action (6 '.) Video documentary (4'40'').

To me no one has contracted.

hear this statement from the mouth of Liuba, the protagonist of the two videos that Valldosera presented. While Liuba is alluding to his work as a domestic worker, the artist takes the phrase as his own experience. As explained in the text Valldosera written by her for the recent exhibition of his work in the gallery Madrid Factory , is not trying to talk the subject officer, but tuning in to this woman what is common to both. But read to the artist submitting the video-leading performance:
I asked my domestic worker Neapolitan gallery to act in my place. Of Ukrainian origin, as many of the girls who clean the homes of the wealthy classes in southern Italy, this woman "without papers", which has become the alter ego of the artist, is preparing to clean the statue of a Roman emperor kept in Napolitano Archaeological Museum. Pride male figure is subjected to mechanical gestures of someone without a voice. As the action progresses, the ghosts of female libido bold flourish thanks to light treatment so bland to submit action.
highly vertically integrated in an image (the recording has been made with the camera is also designed vertical and vertically), witnessed the melee between migrant women and the symbol of power. Their relationship is ambiguous and open to interpretation. What we are seeing is it just a practice of submission or it is also the setting in motion a complex set of interdependencies? Against inert marble living embodiment, Liuba is the only one who can play in full to the emperor, who knows, literally, that the emperor is naked or, what is the same, that depend on it for its proper preservation. Putting his body (at work and migration are the bodies that are in play), Lyuba gives the opportunity to think differently of power relations.
cleaning: it is a recurring theme in the path of Eulàlia Valldosera, since in The Navel of the World (1991) decided to change "the brush of the broom," acting with a broom on a carpet of cigarette butts with which female figures built and erased. The act of cleaning, packaging and cleaning products in other works, refer to the deeply critical attitude with which Valldosera reviews the mandates awarded to female . Publicly display the powers that want to leave the private sphere. With Mutual Unit the artist erases the boundaries not only between private and political, but extends to the realm of social and crime.
Feminism: Valldosera is also aware of its critical and ambiguous relationship with feminism. Not fit into your logic to adhere to it from the place of collective claim, but rather puts itself on the critical feminism and the politicization of issues equally important subjective. Since there is significant designation, referring to the museum and the art institution, those who work there as caregivers: all those charged with maintaining and upgrading the memory alive of our visual imagination are in a category of roles maternal, as the author . This conceptualization of the mother should not see, then, neither biological nor with the instinctive, but a cultural work, social and symbolic life support, of knowledge, culture, care for the world we inhabit as a primary need to be undertaken by everyone. The artist has placed the origin of this piece in its concern for the preservation of his work, articulated mainly from the ephemeral and comprised of everyday materials-packaging of cleaning products, medicines, light projectors or home ranges ... - in the field of museums, which ends not assume that this type of work need different care than traditional materials of art.

The centerpiece is accompanied by a second video of documentary in which Liuba, born in Chernobyl, chronicles their migration process. We hear it is a subject in a voice that takes over their desire for change focused on improving their conditions, which assumes the risk of instability and vulnerability of their situation as a way to become master of its decisions. Liuba's employer, and gallery owner in Naples Eulàlia Valldosera-does not appear, although the explicit relationship of mutual dependence has with his employee: the emancipated woman needs the services of the subordinate to perform their work. Valldosera does appear on the scene, talk, but listen to Liuba, its presence refers to the ambiguity of the role of the artist: the cleaning and at the same time, his wife.
Photo: Carmen Garcia and Pepe Domínguez

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tux Ivory Jacket Black Pants

touch and caress the dead time on my face, kiss crystals and the blue smoke, the stranger in this strange place strange that is all too familiar, antares this far and I think his soul is there, so far away from me ... so far it seems that a few miles away from me or a history of education, achievements and losses, joys and tears ... I just know they love her and if I need to prove something ... I will ...

Lipton Nylon Mesh Tea Bag

XIV International Film Festival held by women

Once again we notice from This wonderful blog Film Festival that a small group of women organized every year. Our thanks again for the good work.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good Psychology Resume Objects

unnamed Mirror ...

And to enter your mind, in those eyes that murderers can be fulminant and lifeless, his eyes sad night, when I see you're alone power enter your eyes, eyes that hate the sun and can not see without help, thoughts and hair disheveled, loss of memory in an instant, and to enter your world, your mind, your eyes your life, to live a while and laugh, mourn and laugh, just the answer lies in the eyes, look at the infinite past and to come, enter eyes, your eyes, my eyes in a mirror ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kutna Hora Zdjęcia

Confession ... My home, my life and my love ... Today

Well, I won my princess, for a time had wanted to write about, that girl who dreams fills me with his hair matted, her beautiful smile, his unique character, the personality of being a naughty girl and spoiled but when speaking with other children or the elderly, all you pay attention, and how not to pay attention to that voice, that song Siren I've heard in dreams and waking, I hear many times a Marina ...

Maia, think his name that gives a bit of chills, I discovered that the same dream girl and dream of the same name after talking about what we thought of the children, and do not know if it's coincidence or fate life, but I think we conceded from a hug Marina, even ideology.

Maia, she matted with black shirt with a rock band, his flared trousers and dirty on both grasshoppers walking on the ground or play both running on air.

Thinking she
does try to get some maturity, and seriousness, but that ultimately reached a point where say, "This my father if I shit in the laughter."

I'm not sure the exact date when it will come, and when we play room with the diaper bag on the shoulder, and the girl in his arms, but when you come give my life for these two women, Maia and Marina, my two of my life Ma ...

also appears in the dreams, the shy child who likes music, Ranfery, the child he liked to see the infinite as her and me, and that will make us laugh and remind us that we live together and because we we love, the shy child to speak, is to make sense into the strange family where born ...

Anyway, my home, will be a bladed rock, ballad, metal, love and joy ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where To Buy The Glucotrack

mutual dependence. Domestic workers and care crisis

this exhibition has been opened where I've been working for months. It is a collective one involving Martha Rosler, Eulàlia Valldosera, Daniela Ortiz, Natalia Iguiñiz, Elena Fraj, Louisa Holecz and Domestic Territory. You can see it in the Hall Joan French Women's House of Zaragoza until 27 April. is part of the XIV International Film Festival by women and is the result of a collaboration between the SIEM Odeonia and the Casa de la Mujer.

Mutual Unit Eulàlia Valldosera and Louisa Home Holecz. Photo: Paula Gonzalo
interest was inspired by a shared long feminists conceptualize the global crisis in which we live as care crisis, the people and the planet, and to find cultural references about what the new subjects of feminism, some time we no longer serves the model of middle-class white feminism: women live in very different situations. Address in its complexity and dwell on the contradictions posed us back to the fundamental role of art as a critical questioning of reality.
The conference also inspired state feminist Granada December 2009, where we hear, among others, Amaia Pérez Orozco in the field of economics (who incidentally will be on Thursday March 10 at the center Joaquín Roncal talking about Global chains Care, invited by the SIEM) or Carmen Gregorio in migration.
Displays a set of selected papers in response to a pressing commitment embedded in contemporary feminism: Putting care, and not markets, in the center of social analysis, political and economic: a subversion exercise may move too much foundation. Its title, taken from the work of Eulàlia Valldosera and passed to the plural, question the conceptual boundaries between autonomy and dependence, public and private, work and life, selfishness and altruism, the economic and noneconomic, material and the intangible.
call care to a wide range of processes necessary for sustainability of human life, many of them highly specialized. Are essential but society as a whole does not value or accept responsibility for them. While they are ignored by their main beneficiaries, men, companies and state-, women are mostly taking care of them, organizing them transfer to other women within the family, following a generational axis, or outsourced to private.

Home L. 97 Holecz and domestic employees s Daniela Ortiz. Photo: Carmen Garcia.

interdependencies alludes to this complex web of interdependencies
between patriarchy and women and between men and women.
Among some women and others Axis powers as class, ethnicity, place of origin.
Among the institution art and artists who do "dirty work" and are the lowest paid in many cases: the artist as a "cleaning lady".
Between feminism and artistic practices and policies that the sample collected.
This is just the introduction. I'm going to go count by chapter. Many thanks to the artists, activists and a tod @ s who has collaborated in different ways.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tally 6.3 Software Exception C0000005


Housewives today. Wear
time toying with the contemporary figure of the housewife. Since The Feminine Mystique put millions of American women meet their own lives, housewives have lived interesting changes, both from the standpoint of social and symbolic. Let's look at them, we will look at us a bit more closely, who are now housewives?, "Continues the mystique behind us?, Was there really a revolution between the concepts that were our grandmothers and our mothers home and ourselves?

Virginia Woolf took us out of the kitchen and told us that every woman needs a minimum creative economic independence and their own room. Have we succeeded in that room? Have we changed? "What is happening in the kitchen ?
We do not have any clear answers, but we will try to tangle with these threads.
One of our first female figures, perfect housewife Disney's Snow White, is dedicated to our childhood song accompanying this entry.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Niñas De 13 Follando Japon


plenary activities until 8 March. Check the blog prrrecioso they have created for broadcast. Congratulations to the organizers for such a wonderful program!

This Saturday, opening at The Milky Way and Peloparty Ambiguateke! Gifted Llop, negligee, cabaret and video presentation of the conference: "My Kono rules." It promises, as you see.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bridesmaid Writes In Wedding Card

miss you like crazy and still do ... 4 months

In this place where I usually kill time by writing a few things and drinking coffee, they tell you that your presence would not trade it for any , and this guitar is so eager to see you as I kiss you, there are persistent calls from a desire to touch your body spotless and kiss new mind a bit of leg and make you laugh as the last time when I did not think to say goodbye.

The coffee cup is half full by the two sips I gave him before this letter, love letter, I wish and hope to see you again , and I can tell you that are already several hours sitting here and until now I decided to write, I wanted to write the text of my life nicer for you but I do not think I can not because they have love in my veins if not for each of the letters I've written since before the first kiss you with a combination of steps that gives life to mix our own life and the "we."

A kiss from you at this time would like some water in the middle of the desert, I feel I'm on an island as shipwrecked, I have a thousand ways to reach you yet I can not, there are times when the barriers are chains and I'm tied to each, and your calls, your messages and your vibes unleashed me and give me hope to continue thinking of you and me.

As I miss you, I know, I work so hard being away from you, but this is nothing more than preparation every text and every word that is yours and written in a poem, a bad poem for those who say how it should be a poem, but my poems are just unfinished sentences and I prefer to tell you in a prose full of love and illusion.

I miss you and want to come back as I have to kiss your lips, tangled in your legs, hold you so strong that my heart is attached to yours, and you enter well be only one, unifying souls hearts dreams and passions, breathing and your breath and choking on your breasts in order to fill more than you.

want to be the air you pink your body, as clothing that covers you, the mirror where you get to see beautiful, the cigar smoke and so enter into your body, caress to fill the soul and so more of you.

dream every moment in this icy solitude of my room, which yours came in, and have been the one to whom I loved here, every place and wrinkle my bed and I remember you clone to make me happy.

depress me songs from the neighbor's radio, and they are nothing more than a cumulative noise instead of pleasing'm sad, songs that I tend to listen at this time on the computer are they hear you when we lack the clothes and we are chained to the strength of our skin and the occasional savanna that covers us from the ceiling light and shade of your room.

And I miss, I miss every one of your laughter, from the most sincere to where you laugh until you lose control, I miss every one of your voices, each in your movements and your sighs while I tell you more of a goal.

The coffee cup is over, all accumulated due sips and poured the cup and the vase.

want to sleep to dream, and dream that we will make in the near future, while you're sleeping I'll look after your dream, your laugh and your presence, I love you, only I love you and miss you ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mount Blade Mod Dragon

Comics & Books eviction

To do some work at home, I had to put all my stuff, most comic books and boxes. When replace them, I decided to take it easy and make a selection, to save space and to look at my shelf and say "These are all my favorite comics and books," which involves getting rid of many things. Many of these comics
buy them again by mistake or out of curiosity and did not like, or belong to series that I have decided not to continue. And it's all (unless stated otherwise) in perfect condition.

'm hanging by a number of forums, the list of things I think I can sell back some of the money I spent and making someone happy. I have another pile things (DVD's and other books) that probably give away to children in my family and NGOs.

Just something you are interested, or you know someone who could:

COMICS X-Men Volume 1: # 86. # 87, # 89, # 90
X-Men Volume 2: # 1-19, # 36, # 41-44, # 114-117
* X-Men Volume 3: # 1-19 (some in " Special Edition ") 17 * repeated

X-Men Volume 2: # 1-19, # 40-45, # 113-117
X-Men Volume 3: # 1-11 (some in" special edition ")

Gambit Volume 3: # 1-2, Astonishing # 16

X-Men # 1-8

What If Volume 2: # 10 ... [Introduces Rogue. (Hero guest: Nightcrawler)]
X-Men Unlimited # 1 [Magneto and Rogue]
Wolverine: Saudade
Collectible X-Men # 33 Panini
Chronicles of the X-Men # 1

Strangers in Paradise # 1 Volume Numbers -3 [Dude Comics edition]

Tenax # 3 [Edit Vertex 1972] Pretty bad.

The Elven Kings: The Empress of Ice: # 1-3 (of 4)

New X-Pen XL
Patrol (Henry V Vegas)

David Ramirez B3 # 1

Crossgen: Meridian # 1-4 Sources Crossgen

Sin City: Round Trip to Hell (2 of 3) My

Dragonlance # 1-5 [Ediciones Zinco]

Naruto Manga Volumes # 1-10
Trigun # 1

Nirvana the last days of Kurt Cobain. Stock Images of Rock
Idhún Memories: The Resistance

already been asked to me, but have not confirmed anything

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Landline Disconnection Letter

Another picture of Patricia

Again Patricia Álvarez. To bring the year with lots of energy!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Aristocrat Suitcase Reset Lock

To begin this post it will clarify a few points, the prose is fictional Carmela has nothing to do with any real event, and the next thing is that this entry is dedicated to my princess of the Blue Moon ....

Well, talk and say all the cheesy things that can tell you in a minute is very easy and I think a little repetitive, as the two do not like repetitive things just some things that fill us but are our move to a number of points.

Remembering is living again, so say a phrase well known and very burned by various slogans (not if it's spelled) in several television advertisements and radio, but it is true, when I sit and think everything and all things that happened before visiting on Facebook and then Msn, counted multiple times in a salute during our experience of struggle, revolution and rebellion (which is) then find yourself in those eyes with glare, a tissue covering your face and a pair of braids at all these pictures when I see them kill me yet ... are very important ...

Well tell our story, but it would be a great great work worthy of a book called 4 months of lovers but not love anyone so good I would put the title lol pretty big but, only say that we multiple anecdotes from the locked in the bathroom of EFPE.M. until the last drunk, wow we have experienced many things, from the most beautiful to those that perhaps would not like to hear back, but one thing you know Marina, I will always be there to laugh, to mourn, to hug you and tell you everything you love, make you eggs and continue to do condors and STILL ...

I tell you also what I thought and the proposal still stands, we just have to see if we could find a little or a lot more and as you know my life is with you and for you .

During these 4 months I've realized that although we are very, very different we have everything in common, from the likes of goodies up cigarettes, and why not say all the things that only you and I know very us ...

Well, if I keep writing I think most of our stuff would be in the air lol and then to hide them, are things in our personal lives and our life together, Now we are husband for 2 MONTHS! ! lol I love you Marina, and while not a word that fills all I feel is the representative form of which could be, but as we have our own word to know and try to cover this .. TE QUERIAMOLUZANAMATELON is that!

I say goodbye this time telling you thanks for all you have left me learning you, meet you and see you, and thanks for putting this relationship and ovaries to work on both but does not cost us a lot of work lol I love you and "TE VI, IF WERE NOT AN ANGEL OR A RUBY AND I JUST TE VI"

Monday, January 10, 2011

Exercise After Acl And Meniscus Repair

Beliefs Blood

[Sonando: The Beatles]
[Book: Enid Blyton - Santa Clara]
[Comic: Marvel: The Lost Generation]
[Series: How I Met Your Mother 6x13] [Game: DS - The World Ends With You]

This is another of those things that I give a lot of laps many days, and when it comes time to express it aloud, the number of people present their views, avoids when you stop talking , and sometimes order things in my head. Just really hope not to offend any of the people I care about and read. And I find it very constructive power all continued to write, taking it easy (this text has long been written and edited).

At this point, I think anyone who knows me knows that some do not profess any religion, do not believe in any god or creator. Nor do I raise the flag of science as absolute answer all, despite my training future biologists and spend much of my conscious life in a school of science, because I know how "science." I do not like that kind of confrontation, though, I have to admit that when in doubt, my confidence will always be new to science.

I have understood that for anyone who cares, I'm on the list of Catholic people, as I am baptized. My father, though he rejects the Church and every day I doubt it most, says a believer and wanted me to be baptized. I know many who hate their parents for that. I do not care, but grace does not make me any part of the numbers under which they are defending the Church. Because I have no hesitation in saying that profound contempt for those who have become a belief in their way of life and business. But since then, I did not take Communion, nor have I set foot in a church beyond what is necessary, and less than that, I almost always stay out, simply because I feel uncomfortable in a temple I do not share.

long time ago I discussed with a classmate about religion. She felt comforted when I went to church, when he prayed and God helped him every day. I could not help answer all that I thought was a lack of respect for people around him because they are the ones who support you in life, and herself, which is what strives get things done and if not, it does not.
And I still think the same. I think even embarrassing to give someone the merits of a kind of superior being.
People often speak of the missionaries who help people in their countries or travel to other ... beyond evangelizing missions which seem to me a real lot, which I fail to understand is ... Do I need a religion to be kind to others? "If not for a teaching or holy standards, awareness is useless?
is as if everyone was empty or full of evil by definition and could only fix it with the guidelines of a religion, without being able to distinguish between good and evil just by looking at the damage it does about him.

I feel no "spiritual emptiness" not to look upward to the invisible and vigilant for help. I believe in myself, my capabilities and limitations and those of the people I care. I believe in the teachings of wiser people than me.
And above all try to believe in the goodness and effectiveness of the awareness of people, but of course I take many disappointments, I will not allow myself bitter and think that there are no good people in the world.

I can not help thinking that the history and present of mankind would be infinitely better if no one would have place the concept of religion. All we thought about the number of conflicts around the world creates the fact worship a god or other or do differently! But what it is that head?!

few years ago I argued with a friend, a concept that was fashionable at the moment, the fact teach our children our religion. And I did not get out of my own contradiction:
I think if someone is happy with his faith, it is normal to want to share with their offspring. But my father, who was in charge of my spiritual education, decided against it, and I've grown completely free to choose what I believe. And I think, when you have children, if not taught anything about religion, in fact I will be imposing my beliefs. I am very concerned over this issue than others that someday I'll have to deal with a shoot, such as sex.

All living beings are but the result of a lot of more or less fortunate coincidences, related to environment and our interaction with him.
Having never known what it feels like to believe in a god do not know why people think it does. I do not know if all have a set of moral standards and are all agreed on everything. It may all concerned of their own interpretation of each on the subject. I really do not know, because I do not consider appropriate topic for any conversation or comfortable, is very personal. And very difficult to treat according to what people who are offended, upset or scoff too easily.
There are many things religions that escape me.
You know, I do not like frills and spiritual reflection, I guess I'm too ... "earthly"?, Which means not only believe what can be demonstrated, as I said before, being a student of science. Actually, I think a bit depressed that the world is only what is, what lies ahead, all so gray and dull. But I still need a religion. It seems that there are two sides, and one does have to choose or yes, and it's always fun supergrace from one another, and there is no other option.

I am appalled that you get to do in the name of religion, the empire built under many, like the Catholic Church, being the most familiar example of "how not to profess a religion." And you can not take that as a Catholic, someone will be fully agree with what you say that old man they say is their leader. And I wish I would stop getting into people's lives, both private and public to want (and get) to influence policy and legislation. And I hate it even more than wait and consider this perfectly normal and even essential, as if he really necesitásemos the opinion of the "spiritual experts" to know whether what we are doing is right or wrong.

Simply by being organized, I grind the idea that one religion is the spirituality of a person. The faith should be something to worry about everyone in the privacy of his, soul, call it something. Although I refuse to release the self-awareness of your body, it is impossible, we are linked to our way of perceiving the world, and that passes through our senses, that it works because we have a body.
should not be taught in schools, or become a series of official steps "to perform.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Charter love and pain ... Fight to the death ... Prose

They call the ring a boxer, a boxer named heart, goes up and fight, a couple of left hooks and gives them to air, train in the sand to be a good set of legs ... dazed boxer does not get up the blow to the temple.

clandestine smuggling Laughter do not come and hear your name, get up and keep fighting, there can be no more fighting that a loving heart, love themselves and love it, the struggle continues and is infinite, love and pain fighting to the death no one knows who won , the stakes are and the melody of the voice of love and encourages heart struggle continues without stopping, the blood drops to cuadrilítero, blood and pain of love is mixed by a pump, love without explanation, without pain there is no love blues and there is no dawn wanting to be in his arms, those arms clapping after a fight.

He fights for his love and pain fight so do not feel the fight is solid and will, fight and laugh, tomorrow is another day and hopes not to mourn more ...

hoped that after the first round she tells him she loves him and the power struggle ... Wandering the Justorufino struggle with her past and her past ... the still struggling to make her happy and show that there is always forever and that word is too short to tell who will always be ...

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Carmela, the whore of my neighbor, not because she is, if not ownership of the intellectual word that's all about enjoying the whore, his whore and bitch no more.

Surrender were the eyes of the gentleman, that gentleman walking with a heart sewn to hear such a title deed and the letter that almost no one could explain how well they can and can that That is, the questions were marked on her breast and a breeze to soul wonder: Is it true that Carmela is a whore, Like going to be a whore and his whore and a bitch is not anyone else?, then bitch if I married her!, when I finish thinking I realized that I hear scream and Carmela and cry.

Days a magical wish to mourn, to call and say sorry, but never did so, Carmela was not a bitch, was not nobody's bitch whore but if no one else.

Years after striking a bus stop slightly crossed eyes but nothing happened, they crossed their hearts and stood in a hotel making love.

Monday, January 3, 2011

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My room today and yesterday ... Definition of my love

In the shadows of this dark room, not because it is so that if I want it so
and I think I remember every moment
I do not see how to leave my body and my soul comes to you like a breeze in the air
Company infinite nothing and no one
Soledad drop intermittently open a hole in the ground
Rain salt collapsed and there are some tears of nostalgia
spring melodies in my head and not leave me alone
This room is too cold and I wrote your name on the wall over and over again
Northern hat on my head and my heart hope to see you and love you again.