Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Warhammer Orbital Bombardment

Discrete Window ...

President Alan Garcia yesterday gave an exclusive interview with the Chichi Valenzuela at the Government Palace. Actually it was a pleasant conversation over an hour that was broadcast at night. There was no cross-examination. The Chichi only put the issues and the president exposed.
Alan Garcia for the occasion dressed in his familiar and favorite blue suit and a sober Chichi was tailor a shirt that stood out for having more than two buttons undone.

Exposure President also drew attention. Here the most striking:

-escabroza The president made a confession: He preferred to see the death of his brother Carlos in the room EsSalud to authorize his transfer to a clinic abroad to avoid criticism of their potential opponents. Really creepy. "Our president

measures the level of poverty in terms of growth in the number of phones in the country. It's incredible. He refused to accept an obvious fact: that the boom does not reach the poorest. According to our president, this statement only say those with a negative and defeatist. The latter is extremely worrying. We have a president who is not reading the country's situation objectively and progress of their government.
-President Garcia reaffirmed his government's intention to pursue the NGOs defending human rights and raise the bogeyman of terrorism thinking that this sensitive issue for people going to reedituar support in the polls. Not aware that this topic will eventually face the international community.

"The President lied in stating that the expulsion of 64 NGOs, human rights defenders of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) was due to a government interest of ensuring the" pool of information "in the trials that State faces. Former executive secretary of the NHRC, Luis Alberto Salgado, and clarified NGOs yesterday that only attend meetings of the Council every three months, when by law are made, and that none of these, also referred to Peru's strategy.

- President Garcia refuses to accept it was a mistake of his administration to go to Parliament to ensure the inclusion of the MRTA in the list of terrorist groups without doing diplomatic work (lobbying) before. Moreover, by making a big deal with this issue all he does is to agree with those who say that this is a ploy to justify the persecution of human rights activists and opponents or advocates of social protest. Overall, if even the Department U.S. State and retired to the MRTA from its list in 2001.
-Finally, the interview was only Chichi bounced by El Comercio. And to top it off, coincided with the camp organized by a group of young people in the front of Channel 2 to protest "against the servile press."

More : Column Okupa The Chichi

Monday, April 28, 2008

Vladmodels Legal Australia

Uyuuuy. Chichi sit against Chau

Without doubt, the country is entering a dangerous polarization process promoted by the government itself APRA and the newspaper industry. The answer has not been left waiting.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dbz English Kamehasutra 2

Lemor. Welcome Kocerha. Proinversion

In a post
Previous APRA advised that the finger had dropped a David Lemor. Days later, close to the government media spread the leaked that the government had taken the decision to disappear Proinversión. The protests and challenges to the eventual decision is not left waiting and government spokesmen had to come out to deny this information.

is curious but two newspapers today "agree" on the bell. Read it yourselves:

give Hard
It was reported that at the last Cabinet meeting, President Alan García de Palacio said the secretary, Luis Nava, how trips have cost David Lemor. Nava eyed and unblinking papers would have said: "One hundred thousand dollars Mr. President ... all first class." Mail

Vodka Kocerha
Ruge hard on behalf of APRA technocrat to head Vladimir Kocerha ProInversión. This lies in Washington and would leave for work for Shanghai, but now it seems that replace the lemon vodka.

Well, we know that Kocerha is the man. Les hair falls to APRA. It is a very effective lobbyist. The business is insured. Yesterday

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Acidosis And Vasodilation

lobbies Mal newspaper after student. President Garcia and the advice of Miguel del Castillo

Aldo dedicate its Mariátegui column to suggest some actions to President Alan Garcia after the troubled post to cover headline: "The government does not communicate."

"Imagine the impact of a tiny television in a mountain village internet entering one of those little machines of Negroponte. So his teacher with his lap," wrote Mariátegui .

Y. .. Oh surprise! President Garcia got up early today in a village in Huancavelica delivering the "arcades" green. Point to Aldito!
Until there all good. One might even say it has been shown that Aldito could be a good presidential adviser because Alan hears (or in this case, read faithfully), something difficult taking into account the personality of the head of state.

But what happened next requires an explanation that hopefully can help us understand Aldito. Or better yet, Aldito should dedicate a new column to make him see reason.

happens that Alan García obeying the advice of Aldito supposedly came to "seek an impact television" with the lap and the saw poor little children, but once in Huancavelica, was carried away by your verbose and spoke mostrito-in radio favorite, of all but the famous computer.
RPP He spoke for more than 40 minutes, stimulated by the shameful Flannel reporter Peru's most successful lobbyist. "Dear President, how you feel about the 4 thousand feet giving laptops to poor children in Peru?" He began "asking" Raul Vargas impostada his hoarse voice to look as nice as possible. "!" Ja, ja, ja, jaaaaaaa! Good question ... " replied the president.

Vargas gave the taste bud. And Garcia forgot the "shock TV" (pictures) and went on to generate newspaper headlines controversial. Gave reason to Aldito. We have a president "media" but that does not communicate "spear" with fan holders in their desperation control the political situation.

The President's subconscious betrayed him more than once during the lengthy "interview" radial. I will not make a summary of the various topics discussed but rather to highlight certain phrases anthology.

"The president does not lend itself to the circus."
"I think I have the right to review. What if I do something else. No command. Being President does not make me dumb." (Reply to Augusto Alvarez Rodrich about criticism of his interference in the case of death of farmers in charge of Public Prosecutions)

"I'm tired of listening to many opinions, many people on many issues"

Diriéndose Raul Vargas: "What we do not allow it to grip puchimball knitted or ministers as some journalists like you have there by (a clear reference to Alvarez Rodrich)"

"We have news aprevechar ( to review and make headlines)

"At night you'll see on television delivering laptops" (It feels very safe deployment of the channels will give images of the delivery of computers. There should be, many media only difudirán their policy statements)

¨ "Why should we remove the registration of the Presidency of the Republic (of bags of food delivered to the State poor)? Do not have a right to communicate? The president personifies the Nation "? (Note these last sentences are not textual but summarized what he meant)

Aldito should explain to the President to communicate is not the same as" put chamullo "or rant against journalists and opponents.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Welcome Speech On Annual Day And Thank Of Media

Aldito resignation "irrevocably"

Miguel del Castillo just presented his "irrevocable resignation" the post of advisor to the senior leadership of Reb Bicolor Communications (RBC TV), after the scandal broke by the placement of government advertising in that medium communication.
The unexpected decision of the child Premier Jorge del Castillo was reported at a press conference. Del Castillo Jr. explained that his decision seeks to avoid consuming Fujimori revenge of the testimony given by his father in the trial of Alberto Fujimori. Recall that on Monday, the Prime Minister will be questioned by the Audit Commission at the request of opposition lawmakers including some Fujimori.

"I denounce a cunning campaign against my family and that is because today there is already a candidate, which is Keiko Fujimori, and we will not provide the political circus of these gentlemen," he said. Miguelito

Castle opened as a politician. Precisely announced that from now on will be devoted to politics.
Premier The dolphin has again denied any involvement or influence in the procurement of government advertising with RBC TV. Del Castillo Jr. clarified that has extensive professional experience is 10 years as a business consultant and as many working in various media. He clarified that a company has its own Investment Delport, dedicated to developing business projects.

As published in the previous post and jotita lel Castle was burned. He had no more to give. Did not have the role of the blogger (and reaction of Fujimori, it is true) as its project to take over a channel is frustrated. Although nothing is said at all. Now that is out of RBC (formally), the other two jotitas (which "have nothing to do with APRA" because one is Fujimori and the other chakana) could continue trying to "warm up" cold antenna in order to justify to continue to dripping some government advertising to hermanón channel.


Andina Terra

Sample Letter For Disconnection Of Broadband

RBC TV The jotitas of his ball move well but ...

Undoubtedly, self-described "jotitas on TV" really know how to move to time to face a "crisis", but unfortunately for them, things will not be quite right.
- After the scandal was uncovered RBC immediately Miguelito del Castillo gave an interview to Marco Sifuentes in Utero Tv. His inexperience was to talk over your account and get in trouble to his father, the Premier. Result: He had to backtrack and announce that it has no interest in buying shares in the former channel "positive." Score against.

- The Premier also opened court and Fernando Vivas convinced that "nothing happened" in the subject of RBC. A golcito for Del Castillo.
- Other jotita, Luis Morey, also wanted to win cameras and spoke with Alejandro Godoy, who happily, he worked in broadcast journalism. A masterstroke for the stands.

- Miguelín also presented with César Hildebrandt, who nearly won him over by Walk. The CH jotita arrived late and caught him in the air at first, he put Huachito and forced him to ask hump: he was forced to say he had no intention of buying channel because I had no money.

- Today Morey also spoke to the first but the boys of input Lévano you got a "little": I took out their dirty laundry (Read their ties to the Fujimori). This day also proved to jotitas them. Headlines, The First released today Miguelín photo and a title that makes it very badly. "Miguel del Castillo throws Alva Castro finger."
- Miguelito jotita actually wanted to put the diver in DT, as revealed in the first post-beating. He devised the moves to score goals but the match did not turn out as expected. However, we must recognize that tried to make two fine tailings, although pointers were liars. We refer to chakana Moreycito Roberto Rojas and that is a habladorcito (jaraneó Belmont last night and they announced the start of a "fight" to prevent supesta flourish Trade Group campaign to disappear). And yesterday blamed Miguelito Rojas had negotiated with the Ministry of Interior public matters in his capacity as "business manager." Point for jotitas!

- The Carolina Lizárraga ricotONA awoke from his slumber to become (self-summoned) as the arbiter of competition. He spoke out to demand more transparency advertising contracts. Point to the aunt.

- Colophon. The classical opposition congressmen and Premier Jorge del Castillo and the Minister Luis Alva Castro will be played Monday morning at the Commission Control of Congress.

Honestly, the jotitas are at a disadvantage. Already burned and could drop to second. To make matters worse, yesterday the Shareholders reaperció Channel 11 to demand that the current policy to clarify what role and how their work seen by Miguel del Castillo.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How Does Incest Happen

Interesting. So come and Alan Garcia in Argentina ....

"Alan García or the incredible story of the villain who became the hero of the markets," called today an interesting article by journalist Leandro Gabin in Cronista.com of Argentina.

In the land of the Kirchner discussed Alan Garcia and his metamorphosis: "Alan Garcia had two faces, the crisis in his first term, with hyperinflation of 2,700%, debt default and financial crisis, and the new one, in which his pragmatism made the financial world and crowned finished applauding the highest in the region.
analysts say Wall Street partly economic achievements are the fruits of global growth and commodities mainly from . Now you understand the world, they say.

Far away in history will be the pitfalls of who is now the new darling of the international financial scene. In the drawer of memories will be several aspects of his first term as hyperinflation (price increases rose to 2,700% in 1989), the repeated exchange of legal tender (powdered for inflation), attempts to nationalize the banks, the default of debt (arrears was because he merely used for this purpose, only 10% of export revenues that got the country), the IMF is declared "ineligible", the advance of terrorism led by Sendero Luminoso, Several allegations of corruption and final exile in 1992, two years after his presidency ended. A failure which was attended by Daniel Carbonetto (García adviser at that time), the economist who sounded like a candidate Duhalde minister during the crisis in Argentina.
After that, the golden boy now had tried unsuccessfully to return to power in elections devoted to Alejandro Toledo, his now-predecessor, in 2001. The passage of time, and several trips included, produced a radical change in the then socialist who thought, for two years, applied strictly an economic policy that welcomes the orthodoxy. Just in 2006, García won aggiornamiento in presidential Ollanta Humala (the cuckoo of investors).
What spent nearly two decades later, under another term of Garcia, to Peru is one of the most desirable starlets to the point of obtaining the investment grade ? According told The Chronicle operators consulted Wall Street, the magic word is called "pragmatism."

"That may have given the investment grade as no surprise, Alan (Garcia) became its antithesis (abjures openly and inflation control, and defend the autonomy of the Central Bank). Peru has grown very well in recent years (before Garcia in fact) and promises to remain so, "said an Argentine economist who works in New York.
For Alberto Bernal, Latin American director of Bear Stearns, Garcia "understands and defends the right of ownership and that is very important." "He followed with a pragmatic economic policy, with good numbers and that prosecutors allowed him to have investment grade. What he did for the radical change that had from its former president, is what is called pragmatism, "he said. According

Enrique Alvarez, an analyst at IDEAglobal, Toledo (former president) gave the incumbent an example of fiscal discipline and he profited from the strong increase of exports. "I do not see Garcia enormous merit, I think we benefited from the global context. But we must recognize that you have a knack for public speaking and became a centrist even though I think his socialist ideas are still there, "he said.
Alvarez added that he was f avorecido by young voters, who did not know his past as "middle class ruined by inflation Garcia had already left the country." "If they did a survey in Peru do not think that Garcia is considered the man of the year. It is a casualty investment grade " said.

luck, merit and heritage and Rodolfo Sant 'Angelo once explained the administration's economic performance (Nestor) Kirchner. In fact, it seems, a reason applicable to more than one country.

+ pepitaspuntocom

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Incredible Hulk Birthday


Premier Jorge del Castillo has denied all means have encouraged their son or the channel on which advertising works by giving the State. Moreover, it has removed the body noting that he is the holder of the statement Ministry of Interior. Indirectly pen blew his party colleague Luis Alva Castro which had ordered to be placed advertising in the amount of RBC S/.283, 967.

Del Castillo, political trejo has confirmed, however, attend the Audit Committee to explain that he is clean of dust and straw. Hildebrandt in the program had the luxury to say that he is "a Democrat with a history" that can not make the mistake of using your store of influence "even more the case of" sums on TV are quibbles.
Del Castillo is right, because according to law, who should answer for this scandal is Alva Castro. However, our Prime Minister himself is politically responsible for the mismanagement of the advertising policy.

Don Huey (ex gorgogito) fell silent with Hildebrandt when the advertising analyzing the distribution of the ministry of Interior snapped: "You will not convince or aa caparecuita RBC has more (advertising) that trade." Premier

Where is the owner or another responsible for the statement is on Channel 7. The shocking conclusion of the program by Guillermo Giacosa gone unnoticed, but is equal to or worse than what happened with the case of RBC. If the opposition had more interest and (eggs), Del Castillo quietly yes that would be in real trouble.

Just Giacosa review the complaint. Both in his column last Saturday as of yesterday and the interview with Peru 21 last Sunday, reporting serious events on the state channel management and communication policy of the APRA government. Here is a summary:

- "Those who think differently (on Channel 7) on. And, therefore, politely, citing lack of budget, which makes me wonder how they get paid to advisers, told me on 31 March that from 1 April, was beyond my modest program. " (But its cost of production was one of the cheapest in the channel)

- "In the past eight years (Channel 7) was my home. And as such I want and I'll keep trying. (...) But times change and faces , too. Not surprisingly a new face, but today, more than once, I had the feeling of having entered a wrong place. "They are the advisors," I still say those who know. And I think how good, with many advisers, things will get better! For advisers, of course, because what is the channel, is ceasing to be an instrument of the state to become an instrument of government.
My case is only one more against anti-democratic vocation install the coral unanimously that currently characterizes much of the national press.
- If it was always 'anti', why bother in just 7?
There was a change in government and I think they came to make the necessary changes. One was silence people who disagree with them.

- Did they tell you not to touch issues that bother the government?
No. But the channel had a program when they did not like, curiously had technical flaws. That happened a few times with my program. The thing was asolapada .

- He spoke with the chairman about what happened?
To Mr. Manrique (Carlos Manrique Negron, chairman of TV Peru) do not know. What I have seen are many new faces, 'advisors'. Then I say: how is money to many advisers and no money for an expensive program? I think the idea is to transform the Channel 7 in a private channel. That said , but do not know if it's true.

"You said the channel 7 is no longer the state but the Government ...
That is the idea that I find repugnant . Fujimori, as the press was arranged, did not mind the channel. So you worked freely. At the time of Paniagua and Toledo got nobody. Now, suddenly, make this the government channel oe interrupt programming all the time.

- "We spent the last stage without interviewing Fujimori, the record library, a single supporter of the Japanese kamikaze. They built the program when we think about the video Kouri-Montesinos, but in line with the events, which replenished as marking time of his own weakness. The time was splendid Paniagua, and Toledo were objective information and absolute freedom to do and undo as our conscience dictates. "

What's really happening in the head APRA government? Are we regressed to Fujimori media?


And high the son of the premier wants to buy a private channel without having the money or the "permission of his father." Today on the radio program of CH, the Prime Minister attacked for no reason the newspaper's First disqualified for allegedly being a cover Humala and publish the statements of his son. "It's a hoax that cover," said del Castillo said the site that made him the first to explain how your child plans to buy more than 40% of shares of RBC.

"My son has no interest or money to buy. I do not think that Bolment want to sell. Has misinterpreted his statements, "said Del Castillo, Hildebrandt advantage that had not seen the interview he gave to Castle Miguelín Utero TV .

In the previous post that reprinted his remarks after the first half and played without citing the Utero TV source. The son of Prime Minister clearly said: "We are with an option to purchase a package of actions, which will be realized to the extent that they meet the goals of management. It would be a nice investment. There is 40%, but much more. "
Del Castillo has rejurado jury is not behind the purchase of 11 and lobbies to promote by advertising the trough that wants to buy his son: "I'm not behind the channel to mix with echos of that nature. I'm not into that. I'm not into the media. I'm not giving out jams."

has also promised to César Hildebrandt that if the Comptroller or the Congress shows that favored his son, he "quit" immediately to the office. We'll see. For now should respond to the serious allegations and the testimony of Guillermo Giacosa.

MORE: Interview with Guillermo Giacosa in Utero Tv

The Walrus deflates arguments "white television" and successful the "jotitas of Tele"

Miguel del Castillo state advertising RBC + channel 11 pepitaspuntocom

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Red Circle Lump On Back

APRISTIZACIÓN Alva Castro is also responsible for the scandal RBC

As we warned at the time , was only a matter of time to verify that Miguelito del Castillo had been anchored at Channel 11 with the sole purpose of benefiting financially with the help of his dad, the Premier Jorge del Castillo.

only had to wait for the self-styled "jotita on TV" begins to operate. And so, thanks to the ever diligent blogger Joseph Godoy, get proof of a scandalous increase in spending on government advertising for the company Red Bicolor SAA Communications, which handles the son of the Prime Minister.
For now, the opposition has decided to quote the Premier the House of Congress to explain this contract.

The issue now is that the presentation of the Premier does not become a salute to the flag. Too much hanging clothes and also the case merits the formation of a commission of inquiry and, make no mistake-the intervention of Attorney General.

And in this case, the APRA government has violated the Advertising Law Regulating the State. And this scandal not only undertakes to Jorge del Castillo, but also the Interior Minister Luis Alva Castro.
For Nuggets readers understand what we are speaking, it is necessary to explain that state investment in advertising is regulated by Law No. 28874 which was passed by Congress and signed by President Alejandro Toledo. This standard was also endorsed by President Garcia and the Castle premierJorge own as you can see here .
This rule, known as the Law that regulates Advertising State, in its article 3 states: "Under the Statement's liability for the authorization for conducting government advertising should meet the following requirements"

a) plan or strategy in line with the functions and powers of the institutions or agencies, the same shall conform to the objectives and priorities established in the sectoral programs.
b) Description and justification of the institutional and commercial campaigns intended to be carried out.
c) Proposal and technical rationale for the selection of media according to the target audience and purpose you want to achieve, coverage, duration of the campaign, balanced information and their impact. must sustain technically why a particular institution or agency selected preferentially certain media, not to give rise to situations that unjustifiably privilege certain media companies.
d) Proposed budget to carry out the activities contained in the campaigns.

c point is key to the distribution of the advertising pie. This requirement was imposed precisely to avoid negotiated, favoring or the use of advertising Junior State purposes as in the decade of fujimorato.
The spirit of this rule is to avoid just "give rise to situations that favor unjustifiably certain media companies." He says literally.

therefore requires a "lift-or technical justification." In other words, requires that the sharing of the cake is based on a measurement study (raiting) viewership, audience or readership, from a reliable company and independent.

In Peru, there are two companies that specialize in audience measurement: Ibope or Media Check. They are the only measure's TGRP de los canales de TV (Puntos acumulados de rating del grupo objetivo obtenidos considerando sólo consumidores viendo el comercial de televisión de una marca dada). El asunto concreto es que RBC no trabaja con ninguna de estas empresas. El Canal 11 dejó de pagar por esta mediciones porque simplementes salían muy mal parados. Son los últimos. Además, a diferencia de todos los demás canales, hay un factor que siempre jugó en su contra: La cobertura de RBC es limitadísima: ¡Llega sólo a Lima! No se ve ni en los distritos alejados como Carabayllo, Ancón o Ventanilla.

De allí, que en el 2005 sólo recibieron sin chistar del Estado sólo 5,652 soles y 6,394 en 2006. Of all the advertising pie that is what they deserved according to law.

Miguelito Del Castillo confessed to Utero TV technical justification for the current government has increased his daddy almost six thousand percent ad spending on Channel 11 is based on studies by Imasen and IMA! Two specialized polling and public opinion polls that TGRP's know little or nothing. Furthermore, no such studies are known officially. In the IMA website does not show any audience measurement survey.
It's funny, but the CEO of RBC, Luis Alfonso Morey, in a letter to Peru 21 brandished a different argument, which sounds nice but not legal aid. Morey said that S/.283, 967 that receive RBC state advertising this year is that programming is providing "no trash and quality," making it "attractive to the state and private enterprise."

But what is the technical support required by law to justify the increase of more than 5 000 percent? RBC repower "its signal now reaches Carabayllo and Puente Piedra, at least? No. Do you have to heat your antenna Hildebrandt cold? No. Are the legs of Lucecita justify this significant increase in government advertising? No (well in spite of ourselves)

There is no technical justification for the blunder committed by APRA Minister Luis Alva Castro, who incidentally also should be investigated for being directly responsible for this irregularity. Recall that the S/.283, 967 this year will RBC, most of this amount (249.000 soles) from the Ministry of Interior.
Consider this comparative table prepared by Nuggets on the basis of two ministerial decisions signed by Luis Alva Castro, adopting the respective plans advertising strategies. SR No. 0576-2007-IN ( whose text can be read here ) and RS No. 096-2008-IN/PNP (you can read it here)
to read comfortably, we recommend clicking on the image.

- first obvious question that the cabinet minister more ad spending nearly doubled in one year and ordered to tacho the mentioned austerity promoted by their leader. If in 2007 spent 3 million 530 thousand for 2008 BUDGET approved a 6 million 840 thousand soles.

- Second, this increase should be reflected in the distribution of the advertising pie in 2007 but Don Lucho Alva got smuggled into RBC and The Men, the newspaper owned chicha Wolfenson selling less than 10 000 copies daily (the lowest readership of newspapers chicha). These two media had zero investment in 2007.

- In this year also included to Channel 13, which will 146 000 941 soles, much less than S/.283, 967 that receive the channel of the son of the Premier, although we do have hundreds of repeaters at national. RBC is not seen in other provinces and Channel 13.

- In the case of RBC could be justified in any case, an advertising investment of 12 thousand soles, with reference to the 2006 that was 6.394 soles. As for Montesinos Men do not justify any investment. Nor is it justified that has tripled Investment in People magazine, whose current issue is just as limited as in the days when it was funded by Montesinos.

- is striking, however, that Alva Castro has reduced its ad spending ministry in three of the largest daily readership. Let's see: In 2007 the Trome received S /. 177,400.00 and this year only S/.148, 352.43. Just as happened in Peru 21 S /. 185,600.00 to S /. 95,786,90. These two newspapers outsell Reason and E together, but as you can see from the chart, they themselves were benefiting from a substantial increase. Coincidentally the editorial line of these last two pro-government newspapers is. In these cases also applied the law governing the procurement of government advertising. A congressional

should remind you that the law provides penalties for government officials who commit such violations and crimes.
"Government officials, regional and local levels that violate or contravene the obligations and duties under this Act shall be liable for the actions and sanctions to recommend the bodies of the National Control System, including the provisions concerning the Public Career of General Administrative Procedure and others that may be relevant. " CONFESSIONS PART

In Uterus interviews on TV, Miguelito Del Castillo said his father and he took part in negotiations with the MININT. RBC says participated in a tender. Also states that "have their own measurement system tuning" so expect to have "a similar pattern of El Comercio, Peru's Channel 2 or 21." In this last paper accuses him of being "one of the big beneficiaries of state advertising," which is not true as I advised above.

The son of the Premier would have us believe that now is a "channel of opinion" and that it ceased to be a "music channel" so outrageous that justifies increase. It's amazing his naivete or "jotita" We believe stupid. Should remind you that last year criticized her only news program "opinion" (led by Juan Carlos Tafur). Moreover, the fact that his wife has a journalistic space in RBC does not automatically make a "channel of opinion." You should not dismiss their status as "music channel" if all we know Lucesita musicals is the only program with an acceptable rating.
Another point that seems relevant is the confirmation that Miguelito del Castillo makes regarding the purchase of shares of RBC. While the denies buying 40% of actions, Belmont reveals that he offered to sell "much more" than 40%.

"We are with an option to purchase a package of actions, which will be realized to the extent that they meet the goals of management. Would be a nice investment. There is 40%, but much more." Lighter or water. So the

jotita 31, no known occupation and only a department in Barranco as property, is "tempted" by Belmont to buy him a majority stake of its channel!.
What outcome "existed management" offered the son of the Premier as to be convinced to give Belmont managing your channel?

What's the deal? "He promised to pay state advertising Belmont handles her daddy and advertising spending that could capture the miners started by the lobbies of his daddy, the premier? Because

Miguelito del Castillo said in that same interview that his dad Jorge del Castillo has no money to buy a channel. "It's an austere person who worked all their lives to provide education. We have no luxuries," he said. Miguelito

Although care has been taken to clarify that "only a financial adviser" at another time of the conversation with Marco Sifuentes RBC admits that making "business decisions." This and other confessions must be taken into consideration when future judicial inquiry.

see, the "windfall" that sought to make the TV jotita of the Premier and his daddy has been crumbling. Not just because of gaffes but because APRA still believe they can do their business with impunity and in his previous administration 85-90. RECOMMEND **********

read what Cesar Hildebrandt wrote about this scandal . By the way, in an interview with UteroTv, Miguelito Del Castillo proves once again how misplaced it is. Referring to the refusal of CH to accept his proposal to leave the driving and working in RBC behind the racks, the son of the Premier says: "Some people have to understand he can not play games until you have one hundred years. I loved him as coach." Everything indicates that the power of her dad spoiled his brain.

Miguel del Castillo
state advertising RBC + channel 11 pepitaspuntocom

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Settlers Of Katan Seafarers Or Cities And Knights

Key changes in the APRA government. The advertising pie in question

Today there was a key change in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers . He was waived by the Director of the Office of Social Communication, Marcos Antonio Asián Jaime Dominguez, and his replacement was appointed Lionel Amans Ernesto Paz.

Why consider a move key? For those who do not know, this office is responsible, inter alia, government advertising contract with the media. Jaime
Asián he led the public entity for one year and seven months after he was summoned by Jorge del Castillo. To go to the PCM, Asián had to resign the editorship of the newspaper El Popular. At that time more than one surprised that this journalist was appointed to the key post. However, after the APRA announced that his government would not "squandered" the state money on advertising, might be interpreted that was designed in a bureaucratic office.

few months passed and we saw Alan Garcia had to swallow his words and his mind was falling under austerity in the polls. The president ordered spend on advertising and had a problem in all ministries and the PCM that, indeed, had reduced their budgets by advertising.

However, as the office of UNDP resources handled Asián was responsible for managing the advertising of the state. As far as we learned, Asián inexperience and lack of contact was crucial to put the Government Palace on the line. Asián fledgling companies hired without experience (as Ingenio Advertising or Speedymen) as opposed to the administration previous contracted directly with television, radio and newspapers.
According to our sources, Palacio Del Castillo allegedly forced to replace it with "someone more confident." This decision makes sense, if we see that this year the APRA government already considered a lucrative advertising prespupuesto. Although the PCM are under lock and key the total amount, we can see daily in all media (especially those related to the government APRA) as "broadcast" their "works" and achievements. "

Just to give an example . The so-called "jotitas on TV" Esparas milloncitos capture this year two suns. If it says the son of Premier is to be believed.

Now, you wonder who they hired? Ta, ta, HAART. The chosen one is ... Lionel Amans Ernesto Paz. For those who do not know, Nuggets advised that this is a pensioner of 72 years linked to APRA from the first government.
Don Ernesto Armas was Sedapal chairman from January 1986 until 1989. Next was a board member of the deceased Housing Bank until October 1990 when then signed him Triller Hurtado chuquipremier resolution sent home.

The Housing Bank shared directory Carlitos nothing less Gerardo Arana Vivar, man Agustín Mantilla confidence and Hernan Garrido Lecca. Or whatever. Brothers on the dollar. Jaime

+ + ernesto + APRA government + pepitaspuntocom