Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dbz English Kamehasutra 2

Lemor. Welcome Kocerha. Proinversion

In a post
Previous APRA advised that the finger had dropped a David Lemor. Days later, close to the government media spread the leaked that the government had taken the decision to disappear Proinversión. The protests and challenges to the eventual decision is not left waiting and government spokesmen had to come out to deny this information.

is curious but two newspapers today "agree" on the bell. Read it yourselves:

give Hard
It was reported that at the last Cabinet meeting, President Alan García de Palacio said the secretary, Luis Nava, how trips have cost David Lemor. Nava eyed and unblinking papers would have said: "One hundred thousand dollars Mr. President ... all first class." Mail

Vodka Kocerha
Ruge hard on behalf of APRA technocrat to head Vladimir Kocerha ProInversión. This lies in Washington and would leave for work for Shanghai, but now it seems that replace the lemon vodka.

Well, we know that Kocerha is the man. Les hair falls to APRA. It is a very effective lobbyist. The business is insured. Yesterday


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