Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Warhammer Orbital Bombardment

Discrete Window ...

President Alan Garcia yesterday gave an exclusive interview with the Chichi Valenzuela at the Government Palace. Actually it was a pleasant conversation over an hour that was broadcast at night. There was no cross-examination. The Chichi only put the issues and the president exposed.
Alan Garcia for the occasion dressed in his familiar and favorite blue suit and a sober Chichi was tailor a shirt that stood out for having more than two buttons undone.

Exposure President also drew attention. Here the most striking:

-escabroza The president made a confession: He preferred to see the death of his brother Carlos in the room EsSalud to authorize his transfer to a clinic abroad to avoid criticism of their potential opponents. Really creepy. "Our president

measures the level of poverty in terms of growth in the number of phones in the country. It's incredible. He refused to accept an obvious fact: that the boom does not reach the poorest. According to our president, this statement only say those with a negative and defeatist. The latter is extremely worrying. We have a president who is not reading the country's situation objectively and progress of their government.
-President Garcia reaffirmed his government's intention to pursue the NGOs defending human rights and raise the bogeyman of terrorism thinking that this sensitive issue for people going to reedituar support in the polls. Not aware that this topic will eventually face the international community.

"The President lied in stating that the expulsion of 64 NGOs, human rights defenders of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) was due to a government interest of ensuring the" pool of information "in the trials that State faces. Former executive secretary of the NHRC, Luis Alberto Salgado, and clarified NGOs yesterday that only attend meetings of the Council every three months, when by law are made, and that none of these, also referred to Peru's strategy.

- President Garcia refuses to accept it was a mistake of his administration to go to Parliament to ensure the inclusion of the MRTA in the list of terrorist groups without doing diplomatic work (lobbying) before. Moreover, by making a big deal with this issue all he does is to agree with those who say that this is a ploy to justify the persecution of human rights activists and opponents or advocates of social protest. Overall, if even the Department U.S. State and retired to the MRTA from its list in 2001.
-Finally, the interview was only Chichi bounced by El Comercio. And to top it off, coincided with the camp organized by a group of young people in the front of Channel 2 to protest "against the servile press."

More : Column Okupa The Chichi


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