Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Acidosis And Vasodilation

lobbies Mal newspaper after student. President Garcia and the advice of Miguel del Castillo

Aldo dedicate its Mariátegui column to suggest some actions to President Alan Garcia after the troubled post to cover headline: "The government does not communicate."

"Imagine the impact of a tiny television in a mountain village internet entering one of those little machines of Negroponte. So his teacher with his lap," wrote Mariátegui .

Y. .. Oh surprise! President Garcia got up early today in a village in Huancavelica delivering the "arcades" green. Point to Aldito!
Until there all good. One might even say it has been shown that Aldito could be a good presidential adviser because Alan hears (or in this case, read faithfully), something difficult taking into account the personality of the head of state.

But what happened next requires an explanation that hopefully can help us understand Aldito. Or better yet, Aldito should dedicate a new column to make him see reason.

happens that Alan García obeying the advice of Aldito supposedly came to "seek an impact television" with the lap and the saw poor little children, but once in Huancavelica, was carried away by your verbose and spoke mostrito-in radio favorite, of all but the famous computer.
RPP He spoke for more than 40 minutes, stimulated by the shameful Flannel reporter Peru's most successful lobbyist. "Dear President, how you feel about the 4 thousand feet giving laptops to poor children in Peru?" He began "asking" Raul Vargas impostada his hoarse voice to look as nice as possible. "!" Ja, ja, ja, jaaaaaaa! Good question ... " replied the president.

Vargas gave the taste bud. And Garcia forgot the "shock TV" (pictures) and went on to generate newspaper headlines controversial. Gave reason to Aldito. We have a president "media" but that does not communicate "spear" with fan holders in their desperation control the political situation.

The President's subconscious betrayed him more than once during the lengthy "interview" radial. I will not make a summary of the various topics discussed but rather to highlight certain phrases anthology.

"The president does not lend itself to the circus."
"I think I have the right to review. What if I do something else. No command. Being President does not make me dumb." (Reply to Augusto Alvarez Rodrich about criticism of his interference in the case of death of farmers in charge of Public Prosecutions)

"I'm tired of listening to many opinions, many people on many issues"

Diriéndose Raul Vargas: "What we do not allow it to grip puchimball knitted or ministers as some journalists like you have there by (a clear reference to Alvarez Rodrich)"

"We have news aprevechar ( to review and make headlines)

"At night you'll see on television delivering laptops" (It feels very safe deployment of the channels will give images of the delivery of computers. There should be, many media only difudirán their policy statements)

¨ "Why should we remove the registration of the Presidency of the Republic (of bags of food delivered to the State poor)? Do not have a right to communicate? The president personifies the Nation "? (Note these last sentences are not textual but summarized what he meant)

Aldito should explain to the President to communicate is not the same as" put chamullo "or rant against journalists and opponents.


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