Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sample Letter For Disconnection Of Broadband

RBC TV The jotitas of his ball move well but ...

Undoubtedly, self-described "jotitas on TV" really know how to move to time to face a "crisis", but unfortunately for them, things will not be quite right.
- After the scandal was uncovered RBC immediately Miguelito del Castillo gave an interview to Marco Sifuentes in Utero Tv. His inexperience was to talk over your account and get in trouble to his father, the Premier. Result: He had to backtrack and announce that it has no interest in buying shares in the former channel "positive." Score against.

- The Premier also opened court and Fernando Vivas convinced that "nothing happened" in the subject of RBC. A golcito for Del Castillo.
- Other jotita, Luis Morey, also wanted to win cameras and spoke with Alejandro Godoy, who happily, he worked in broadcast journalism. A masterstroke for the stands.

- Miguelín also presented with César Hildebrandt, who nearly won him over by Walk. The CH jotita arrived late and caught him in the air at first, he put Huachito and forced him to ask hump: he was forced to say he had no intention of buying channel because I had no money.

- Today Morey also spoke to the first but the boys of input Lévano you got a "little": I took out their dirty laundry (Read their ties to the Fujimori). This day also proved to jotitas them. Headlines, The First released today Miguelín photo and a title that makes it very badly. "Miguel del Castillo throws Alva Castro finger."
- Miguelito jotita actually wanted to put the diver in DT, as revealed in the first post-beating. He devised the moves to score goals but the match did not turn out as expected. However, we must recognize that tried to make two fine tailings, although pointers were liars. We refer to chakana Moreycito Roberto Rojas and that is a habladorcito (jaraneó Belmont last night and they announced the start of a "fight" to prevent supesta flourish Trade Group campaign to disappear). And yesterday blamed Miguelito Rojas had negotiated with the Ministry of Interior public matters in his capacity as "business manager." Point for jotitas!

- The Carolina Lizárraga ricotONA awoke from his slumber to become (self-summoned) as the arbiter of competition. He spoke out to demand more transparency advertising contracts. Point to the aunt.

- Colophon. The classical opposition congressmen and Premier Jorge del Castillo and the Minister Luis Alva Castro will be played Monday morning at the Commission Control of Congress.

Honestly, the jotitas are at a disadvantage. Already burned and could drop to second. To make matters worse, yesterday the Shareholders reaperció Channel 11 to demand that the current policy to clarify what role and how their work seen by Miguel del Castillo.


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