Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Settlers Of Katan Seafarers Or Cities And Knights

Key changes in the APRA government. The advertising pie in question

Today there was a key change in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers . He was waived by the Director of the Office of Social Communication, Marcos Antonio Asián Jaime Dominguez, and his replacement was appointed Lionel Amans Ernesto Paz.

Why consider a move key? For those who do not know, this office is responsible, inter alia, government advertising contract with the media. Jaime
Asián he led the public entity for one year and seven months after he was summoned by Jorge del Castillo. To go to the PCM, Asián had to resign the editorship of the newspaper El Popular. At that time more than one surprised that this journalist was appointed to the key post. However, after the APRA announced that his government would not "squandered" the state money on advertising, might be interpreted that was designed in a bureaucratic office.

few months passed and we saw Alan Garcia had to swallow his words and his mind was falling under austerity in the polls. The president ordered spend on advertising and had a problem in all ministries and the PCM that, indeed, had reduced their budgets by advertising.

However, as the office of UNDP resources handled Asián was responsible for managing the advertising of the state. As far as we learned, Asián inexperience and lack of contact was crucial to put the Government Palace on the line. Asián fledgling companies hired without experience (as Ingenio Advertising or Speedymen) as opposed to the administration previous contracted directly with television, radio and newspapers.
According to our sources, Palacio Del Castillo allegedly forced to replace it with "someone more confident." This decision makes sense, if we see that this year the APRA government already considered a lucrative advertising prespupuesto. Although the PCM are under lock and key the total amount, we can see daily in all media (especially those related to the government APRA) as "broadcast" their "works" and achievements. "

Just to give an example . The so-called "jotitas on TV" Esparas milloncitos capture this year two suns. If it says the son of Premier is to be believed.

Now, you wonder who they hired? Ta, ta, HAART. The chosen one is ... Lionel Amans Ernesto Paz. For those who do not know, Nuggets advised that this is a pensioner of 72 years linked to APRA from the first government.
Don Ernesto Armas was Sedapal chairman from January 1986 until 1989. Next was a board member of the deceased Housing Bank until October 1990 when then signed him Triller Hurtado chuquipremier resolution sent home.

The Housing Bank shared directory Carlitos nothing less Gerardo Arana Vivar, man Agustín Mantilla confidence and Hernan Garrido Lecca. Or whatever. Brothers on the dollar. Jaime

+ + ernesto + APRA government + pepitaspuntocom


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