Monday, March 31, 2008

Comments For Monthly Counseling

Apristas will lower the finger at David Lemor

Pro in the premises of the rumor and investment flows like wildfire ( has long wanted to use this little phrase clichetera) President Alan Garcia already lowered his finger to the holder of that institution, David Lemor.

The case is so tight in recent days, Lemor have received repeated calls from the Palace. Well, the call is a say, because in fact they were screaming, according to some witnesses, they blush more than they should, the former Minister toledo.
Decibels call was such that even some of the APRA Proinversion felt embarrassed. The worst thing is that after the "square" of Alan Garcia, received a call Lemor more offensive Luis Nava, the clerk of the palace. The prisoners' Garcia was even calling it incompetent and accused him of "infiltration of Toledo." Nava

grabbed the issue of the failed sale of the presidential plane to make it shatter. Although the public that the Boeing 727 could not be sold because they had not bidders willing to pay its real price. By contrast, Jews had lobbies, APRA and Russians who wanted to sell the ship almost regardless of price of scrap that a future government would investigate the negotiated and, in fact, sanction the responsible officials of the auction.
Actually Tantrum Alan and his head would have a simple reason: Lemor would hinder the "business" APRA near Palacio some already seeking a replacement would be proposed to Garcia. The idea of \u200b\u200bAPRA is to force him to resign, but the businessman of Jewish origin would Proinversión decided to stay in until July. Who

will prevail in the end? We do not know but it is easy to imagine that APRA have the upper hand. And released his first letter. Physically abusing and offending. We will see in the coming days what his next move and the outcome thereof. David Lemor

+ + + Alan García APRA negotiated pepitaspuntocom


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