Monday, March 3, 2008

How To Touch Boobs In Train

Deflating the father of the dog in the manger

On Sunday, President Garcia issued another version of his now famous articles on the Perro del Hortelano . This time, focused his "prose" to emphasize their supposed "achievements" in the fight against poverty.

This fourth installment already has generated more debate in the media in today's edition, published only brief summaries with critical views of the spokesmen of the opposition. Our president can not be more pineapple. Another news cast their flickering shadows recuendo of "social achievements." And coincidentally, also broadcast on Sunday that "The Inflation the last twelve months is the highest since 1999." A story that reminded us that the ghost roams the country dangerously García.
AGP AGP is no match. Or rather not be with his genius. For other news on the same Sunday headlines: "Garcia calls gossip to the press because it does not broadcast government works." This generalization wounded susceptibility, even his most ardent defenders.

Well, Nuggets also want to contribute to spoil the party, lower the rim and deflate the pompous and pretentious speech.
- Our president presented as his achievements, results of social programs and work undertaken by governments that preceded it . Together, SIS, rural electrification) Pronaa, PRONAMACH, Land Titling, Vaso de Leche and has only changed its name: Pronase (Water for All), Urban Business (build Peru), Provias Division (now called Provias decentralized), Huascaran Plan (Interner Rural), etc.

- Our president inflated figures. In his attempt to appear as the government more money given to the fight against poverty, included in the S/.3 quarrelsome, 278 million direct investment poverty (2007), the S/.1, 506 million from the southern waterway. (Work that funded his hated predecessor left) Today one of his favorite economists came to praise the APRA government has "invested" more than 4.500 million soles in the fight against poverty. He even said that it was "a historic milestone." Skidded ugly. View E .

- Our president fills the mouth, announcing that the budget increased Together tangentially, as t ll know that in July 2006, Congress had already approved an increase of 300 million soles ( thing that initially refused APRA) also The program began as a pilot year to year should be growing and spreading to more regions with extreme poverty.

- But what our president does not say is that APRA, his party, being used politically all social programs. On Saturday we saw the militant questioned APRA was featured in the anniversary of the Water for All. Without being a state official, used the anniversary of this social program to arm a rally.

- Together program, which was originally conceived to subsidize families in extreme human poverty in exchange for a series of requirements such as vaccinations and take to school children, is now managed by the governors APRA political party with a criterion. Proof of this is published by the Journal of Huaraz NOW last Friday 29.
"Miners paid 100 soles Together Program" reads on the cover of the newspaper complained that "those responsible for the program together, compromise with the district governor of Cajamarquilla, for several months are 100 soles delivering the program to more than 33 mine workers of the place, knowing that these people have income, such as steady job. "

dog in the manger + + pepitaspuntocom


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