Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Black Tie To Blue Shirt

1 .- Angel Paez Today journalist publishes an article in the brave The Republic: Journal yesterday is entitled. Nuggets recommended reading:

"President Alan Garcia Al loves obedient unanimity of the pack. Not that enough to have mounted a virtual Ministry of Information with the media State-run media and had their service to the official press welcomed it as the advertising government. He wants more.

A press that wags its tail or barks of joy at every inauguration of work (...) García accused of lacking "objectivity" of the sin of "gossip" and engaging in petty issues, such as exposing the outrageous behavior of a congressman of his party, instead of offering front pages "to the fundamental things." Ie, the "achievements" of his second term.

We dogs information gardeners who do not salivate when throws a speech (...)

Garcia wants a press of the past, the style of "Pravda" Stalinist cheering the success of the NEP and hid the extermination (...) requires imitate unobjectionable "Choson Sinbo," the newspaper that flatters from first to last page the "Great Leader", "Supreme Commander", "Revolutionary Immortal" and "Beloved Conductor of the People", the dictator Kim Jong Il. Of course, Mr. Garcia, you are not Kim Jong Il, even if your waist. Strong ", no? Grande Páez.

2 .- Yesterday Chichi reappeared with two related studies that have rebounded in the press or even Agenciaperú web portal.

- The Chichi appeared sober in the first segment, but was gaining confidence as the fair began with gestures and comments editorialized that removed him tired and prominence to their stories.

- The sluggish mouth urgently needs a new writer. The wording of their texts far from being entertaining and conversational turn out to be intolerable despite the chichi disfuerzos.

- I see the fake heavy falls "celebrations" of the Chichi and their "spontaneous" comments on the "fun" paraodias Carlos Alvarez.

- The Chichi told Peru 21 was not interested in the raiting because the window was addressed to the class "Leader" of the country. So the sector A minority. But yesterday I noticed that most advertisers are those which are target the C, D and E. "Peru Cola drink at Eisha?

- Last night was also shown that Ivcher not forgive. Gen. Felix Murazzo will continue making life miserable for having dealt with his arrest in Warsaw. What meyooo. Angel Paez

Ivcher + alan + garcia + +


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