Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How To Totally Remove Rogers Online Protection


Returning from a weekend plagued by otitis ( I do not recommend going to the beach), we find good news. And exploded in his face all the farce created by Laura Bozzo in his call and talk show since the days of fujimontesinismo "she argued, was damaging the image of our country.
As today says the cover of the newspaper Peru 21 , "there is an avalanche of testimony from the panelists purchased sinks. "Yes, there is evidence that she bought and had no evidence hesitate to promote violence and lurid stories with the intention of stimulating the curiosity of viewers in Peru and abroad.

El Comercio, published today by the Public Ministry and is investigating the for use in your program to a minor who said she was raped by her stepfather and later appeared in Singapore as a victim of earthquake in the south. remember that this is a complaint that arose from Peruvian blogosphere. Blogs Malasangre
and Utero de Marita were the first to highlight the former lover of Vladimiro Montesinos.

And how could it be otherwise, the Utero TV premieres broadcasting a video showing how the production team assembled Bozzo's testimony "tear."
Laura Bozzo attacks us not only to Peruvians, but also fraud with impunity, using the poor and even worse, children, for profit without caring about the enormous psychological damage they cause.
Everything indicates that this is the beginning of the end of the main protagonist of trash television. ATV Although there are still ghosts that refuse to throw it and cancel your program. Although still there are those who strive to give forum in its pages and has already launched a psychosocial in the U.S..

-Vivas Fernando's column: You you searched the

+ tv + pepitaspuntocom research


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