Friday, March 28, 2008

Side-effects Of Grecian 2000

The preferred anti-corruption czarina jet set before the ONA

It's amazing what happens to our Zarina Anticorruption Carolina Lizárraga. At a time when his work at the National Anticorruption Office (ONA) is seriously in question, decides to appear on the front page a publication devoted to frivolous issues and local jet set, rather than make headlines or appear in newspapers with achievements or concrete results concerning its management.

us to question not you feel proud of being a mother for the third time and is the first child to be with her second husband. Or because they tell us that she got pregnant with her second child when she was separated from her first husband. Or to pose in a photo shoot, showing her sexy face.

What we think is questionable is that his vanity is brought once more to his professional work. The taste for Lizárraga cameras is not new. But this time he was well spent hand.

is not a mere coincidence but yesterday when he appeared in Guys and Dolls, alongside the director of Peru 21, Augusto Alvarez Rodrich he devoted a column commenting acid presentation to the Congress to address the criticisms against him. "Unfortunately, the presentation of Lizárraga and his team did not help much to have a better idea about what this organization was created and how it differs from the others that already exist to achieve the same goal: to minimize possibility is stolen so easily in the public sector and severely punished the guilty. "

Today the same paper dedicates this premonition Article:

for opposition lawmakers is clear that your work has been unproductive so far. It is also undeniable that the ONA has no autonomy and dependence to independence PCM subtracted. It is also true that the Mafia fujimontesinistas have unleashed a campaign to discredit its members accusing them of benefiting from a "golden form." But defending Lizárraga now impossible. It would be better if you quit and assure you that if you work in the studio of her husband will come at weekends in the social pages of all media.

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