Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Irs Certified Mail Means Audit?

Caretas warns: APRA , the right media and allow employers sycophants explosive advance of social upheaval

Juan Carlos Tafur es otro de los periodistas APRA government banned it, as in the case of César Hildebrandt, are forbidden to return to television. Nor does the majority of radios and newspapers over which it has influence.

However, Tafur has anchored in the journal Ideele (to the chagrin of Aldito) that has received as a permanent member. Indeed, in his latest edition of this magazine run by Ernesto de la Jara, has published an excellent article that Nuggets should read in its entirety.
Juan Carlos Tafur analyzes the explosive development of the social upheaval that puts Ollanta Humala in a unique position to 2011 and the inertia of the APRA government against social problems that inevitably leads to economic growth in countries like ours. Tafur also criticizes the mercantile business courtiers and members of the right media to be complicit in the disaster that put the trash can mean everything achieved in recent years.

As I know readers of this blog are some Humala supporters, I pledge to publish comments that do not go to the offense.

After Alan: Fujimori and now first Humala?

Juan Carlos Tafur

Ollanta Humala was the predominant theme in the conversation of nearly two hours recently held at the Government Palace, President Alan Garcia and his former bitter enemy, the writer Mario Vargas Llosa.

As has been learned, the President will nervously expressed concern over what it considers an expectant position in the polls nationalist leader who commands reserved to develop the government itself . "He's at 34% nationally and in the south is unbeatable. I do not know what to do to defeat it. Peru is starting ", he said it should be noted that the appointment is not text-Garcia MVLl.
That issue worries many is not surprising. It is logical to do so. Harm than good, Peru is heading to a slope of growth through partial market model applied for more than a decade and is more than obvious that if Humala came to power in 2011 all will be dashed.

What does produce a certain unease is that the leader of the largest political party in the country, settled governmental experience and ideological source close to the premises by now wanders with its inevitable levedades Ollanta Humala, do not know what to do. And that awe victims also appear to be businessmen, politicians and media personalities uncritically accompanying the regime.

The growth trap

Why is that if the country is growing like never before and it is already benefiting low and middle social sectors? "We have never been better than now in the economic, social violence there, the future is smiling on us. Why should this social rejection? " discussed repeatedly in the political and business desktops.
Widespread media right lightness of being treated to provide arguments. The people are ignorant, moron, functionally illiterate, and so on., Etc. Much of the factual power domes desperately trying to welcome them to find an answer to their anxieties (happily, however, there are some who resist the brutal ideological discourse primarization daily perpetrated by some media that serve as a parapet to a government that have been delivered with suspicious care).
suffice to revise some history to know what problem we face. In Western history, most, if not all revolutions or uprisings against the capitalist system have occurred not when he was in a recessionary phase of the cycle of crisis but on the contrary, when it began a wave of expansion.

When backward economies begin the path of growth there is inevitably greater social inequality. is normal. all earn more than before, but increase exponentially above their income while they do just below. The blast will shower down on the high ground, and drip irrigation to the bottom. This discrepancy

is extremely explosive subjective. It is, psychosocially speaking, more intolerable than the status quo before. Popular expectations grow geometrically while its improvement do arithmetically. And if we add that in the Peruvian case, our "industrial revolution" fails to improve the situation of Peruvians living in extreme poverty, you can understand the discontent.
There are, however, ways to resolve this impasse, but the government , lulled by the gentle treatment of the social right, seems to think he is doing all that should and can do .

The road is looking

Countries that passed through the same situation now travels throughout Peru and managed to avoid the assault by the reactionary forces of the populist left, they did it in two ways. Using the shortcut many of them authoritarian. prime example of this trail are the majority of Asian countries including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, China now, but we can also mention the Chilean case, the schema itself Fujimori and some countries in Eastern Europe or to Russia itself.
But those who have most successfully managed to do without sacrificing democratic freedoms and building a much stronger base than the examples above, from the U.S. or Britain to recent cases in New Zealand, Ireland, etc .- have been those who face social tension due to the explosive growth and inevitable component of greater inequality, raised the basic institutional reforms, property rights, deregulation commercial, state modernization, provision of basic services like education, health and safety . Proactively, with lots of political savvy, these nations became free the dark alley mentioned without social upheavals.

The question is: can something Garcia and company are doing about it? Nothing. And nothing is nothing. APRA is governing as he had done a good right-wing government in the 50 or 60 , not as a modernizing regime to meet the demands of the XXI century.
Barnave Antoine French politician, author of Une introduction à la Révolution française (published in 1843, but written between 1792 and 1793, when its author was in prison), former deputy in the third state of the States General and, finally, a victim of the guillotine unbridled savagery of post-revolutionary, the he said trying to explain the revolution who was active protagonist "a redistribution of wealth requires a new distribution of power" . The

in today's terms, it is possible that Peru will continue to grow as it is doing, spreading wealth and modernity in much of the productive sectors of the country, an almost unprecedented historical phase in our republican life, and power political entity remains the same Jurassic past. A less liberal capitalist revolution than we want, of course, as enjoyed by Peru, is not viable unless it is accompanied by a new state, new institutions, political systems for social inclusion.

The story of Chavez

On the contrary, so there Humala, therefore, " this gap is the perfect breeding ground for the conservative instincts, statist and populist, grow and reach the predicament they now have . would you go to others with the story that the origin of the problem is Chavez expansionism or the eventual existence of nuclei radical, ideologically retardant to capitalist globalization.
and accomplices of coming disaster are those who never cease to flatter a government that in light of the challenge that would correspond to face, is far from deserving a passing grade. And is despicable that a party like APRA has come to believe that their historical claim passes through the pats on the shoulder of a mercantilist businessmen grupete and right media, social and clerical whose vision of the country has no more depth than their pockets.

The president Fernando Belaunde sambenito you stuck a terse, two steps that brought us government first and then Velasco Alvarado Alan García. In this step, you may endorse this one worse, who first bequeathed to Alberto Fujimori and, if no amendment quickly the course, which will then open the gates of the Palace as Humala someone who will, without doubt, Attila conquered the incipient modernity years.

Juan Carlos Tafur + Cesar Hildebrandt + + pepitaspuntocom


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