Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who Made The Best Moped

visceral hatred of love and testimony of Garcia

Back from a trip of almost 10 days and I find a nice news: César Hildebrandt returned to the First and announces his return to Radio San Borja from next Tuesday.

However, as Hildebrandt's own account in his column today, Hate Dr. Garcia is unable to return to TV because of the veto that the president has imposed García. "A more or less common friend told me that Dr. García viscerally hates me since I put in the spotlight last child her charming. Fair enough: it is their right to hate, "says CH.
But the trouble is that the visceral hatred, and transcends the boundaries of the palace. CH complaint that Garcia was responsible to warn people who want support in his radio show will not hesitate to let go of the SUNAT if they dare to put a sponsorship. Same Fujimori and Montesinos.

CONSCIOUS, CH considers that "nor Fujimori was so bent Peruvian TV and bitch." Hildebrandt asked

also how the SUNAT, converted into the "Palace sharpener," does nothing to charge you $ 54 million owed to the Treasury. Caretas in today's edition, that Ivcher is so desperate he tried to reconcile with CH and hire.
The magazine reports that on Saturday 15, Federico Anchorena told Hildebrandt that he had met with Ivcher "on behalf of a senior APRA" to "fix" a meeting where they talk about her return to Frecuencia Latina. CH thought it was a joke but after confirming that it was not sent to hell to Anchorena do deals without authorization and said he had "nothing to do with a guy who owes the state 54 million suns." ! Grande CH!

To make matters worse, today Caretas devotes its cover and desprósito editorial to President Garcia to defend to the letter to the employer "tax evader." Garcia recommends masks to be an infusion of valerian. Although auguita potato is also good for the liver. Cesar

+ + Caretas + + + pepitaspuntocom


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